Is there a mailing list?

You can sign up to be notified when the RNT application becomes available by either emailing rethinking.number.theory@gmail.com or by completing this form.

I'm not a specialist in any of the project areas, can I even participate?

Yes totally!  We do not assign groups by specialization but instead by interest level and level of compatibility (which is up for you to decide.)  It's really fun to see people join groups and learn a whole pile of new mathematics. The project leaders are prepared to learn with participants and help guide those new to the topic toward their particular question.

What level of mathematician is RNT aimed at?

RNT wishes to bring together a wide range of expertise. Groups have had people between undergraduate and graduate stages together with tenured or tenure-track faculty. The goal is to encourage collaboration across career stages.

What is the expected timeline for RNT projects?

I don't think any group has finished their work during the two weeks - that's not what we're looking for. We consider the two weeks to be a catalyst for long-term collaborations.