Dr. Rachel Greenstadt

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science

College of Computing & Informatics


Advises Stylometrics project

Dr. Greenstadt's research centers on the privacy and security properties of multi-agent systems and the economics of electronic privacy and information security. Her lab—the Privacy, Security, and Automation Laboratory (PSAL)—focuses on designing more trustworthy intelligent systems that act autonomously and with integrity, so that they can be trusted with important data and decisions. The lab takes a highly interdisciplinary approach to this research, incorporating ideas from artificial intelligence, psychology, economics, data privacy, and system security. However, a common thread of this work has been studying ...more

Past REThink Projects:

  • Stylometrics (2014 - 2016)
    • Mentored Brandon Petcaugh & Anita Abraham (2013 - 2014)
    • Mentored Brandon Petcaugh & Paul Holt (2014 - 2015)
    • Mentored Patricia Rahmlow (2014 - 2015)
  • Stylometrics (2017 - 2019)
    • Mentored Cynthia Gill & Steven Rood-Ojalvo (2017 - 2018)
    • Mentored Cynthia Gill & Jaime Richards (2018 - 2019)