CS & STEM Resources

Lesson PLan Toolkits, 2020

Below are lesson plan toolkits created during the REThink program. Toolkits contain:

  • Lesson overview video [instructor roadmap for delivering the lesson(s), containing links to important websites related to lesson content]

  • Full written lesson plan including educational standards/objectives and curriculum resources. Description of the societal impact of the lesson.

  • Sample data/demos

  • Slide presentation for visual explanation about the project and the lesson for students

  • Sample student activities such as labs, assignments, in-class exercises

  • Quiz questions (with answers) the instructor can use for student assessment

  • Link to lesson formatted for submission to Teach Engineering and/or CS for All Teachers.


(Click Image to Visit Toolkit)

RFID in the STEM classroom: "Tag...you're it"

Lesson Toolkit

Machine Learning and Homeostasis

Working with Models and Apps

Judith Lucas-Odom

The use of BĂ©zier Curves in Computer Graphic Imaging

An introductory high school unit of study

Anita Romano

Distracted Rock, Paper, Scissors:

An Experimental Approach to Distraction and Distracted Driving

Tool Kit

Christian Johnson & Annie Kelly

Automated Tissue Analysis:

Machine Learning vs. Statistical Thinking

Nicole Gasser & Sonny Chang