Apply Now!

Applications for Summer 2019

are now available

NOTE: the online application form needs to be completed in one session. There is not a way to save it and update it later. The form contains several essay questions. We suggest downloading an electronic form of our application and preparing your answers carefully before starting.

  • Step 1: Download an electronic form of our application and prepare your answers carefully.
  • Step 2: Once your answers are complete, transfer them from your document to our online form.
  • Step 3: Provide your resume and a letter of commitment/ recommendation from your principal or department head assuring that, with your participation, you will be permitted to transfer experiences into classroom exercises and have appropriate time to prepare these new materials.

Find the application forms HERE (

Applications received by Saturday, March 16, 2019 will receive a full review. We will continue to accept applications until positions have been filled. Applicants expecting to complete their submissions after March 16 should notify us of their intention to apply before that date.