CS & STEM Resources

Sample Lesson PLans, 2018-19

Below are sample lesson plans created during the REThink program for courses including AP Computer Science A, Physics, Probability, Introduction to Programming, Forensics, AP Computer Science Principles, Introductory Computer Science, AP Statistics. These lesson plans emphasize social impact and are inspired by the computer science research experiences during the REThink program.




Gartner 2018 REThink Lesson Plan
TEActivity-Water Use and Conservation
2018 REThink Lesson Plan - Darfler
TE Activity - Darfler.docx
2018 REThink Lesson Plan Cover - Liss.docx
2018 REThink - lliss-lesson-plan - teach-engineering-format
2018 REThink Gill_TETemplateLesson
2018 REThink Lesson Plan - Kelly
TELesson Kelly&Gartner
2018 REThink Lesson Plan- DeFuria
2018 REThink Lesson Plan- DeFuria TE.docx
DeFuria Analysis of a Crime Scene Lab 2018-19.doc
2018 REThink Lesson Plan - Schall
Schall_TeachEngineering Activity
2018 REThink Lesson Plan Ellis.docx
2018 REThink Lesson Plan Baraty--Arduino PWM
2018 REThink Lesson Plan - Richards