Dr. Erin Solovey

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science

College of Computing & Informatics

Advanced Interaction Research Lab


Co-Director, REThink CS @ Drexel (2017- )

Advises Real-time Brain Sensing project

Dr. Erin Solovey is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Drexel University. Dr. Solovey’s main research area is human-computer interaction, with a focus on emerging interaction modes and techniques, such as brain-computer interfaces and tangible interaction. She is particularly interested in designing, building and evaluating systems to support users dealing with high workload and multitasking, as well as systems that provide novel learning experiences. She also investigates effective human interaction with complex and autonomous systems. She has received several awards including the NSF/CRA Computing Innovation Fellowship and a CHI Best Paper Honorable Mention Award, and her work has been covered in MIT Technology Review ...more

Past REThink Projects:

  • Real-Time Brain Sensing (2015 - 2016)
    • Mentored Gloria Rayza Houseman & Bruce Karpe (2015 - 2016)
  • Real-time Brain Sensing (2017 - 2019)
    • Mentored Gloria Rayza Houseman & Patricia Rahmlow (2017 - 2018)
    • Mentored Damian Baraty & Kyle Ellis (2018 - 2019)