Power Ball Info

We start on March 27th at 5:45 and end September 18th at 5:45 for a total of 28 Powerball events.

Cost is $8.00 each night. 

-- $5.00 for the Scramble winner(s) 

-- $3.00 to the Power Ball Pot. 

The Pot will accrue until one team wins the draw.

The “rules” remain the same as last year because we didn’t seem to have any problems last year (See Power Ball Rules page). We have added a section explaining the way we pay out the scramble and Power Ball pot.  Everybody is here for fun and fellowship. 

We are using the club sent email to signup again this year. 

-- We only ask that you sign up as early as possible and call into the Pro Shop if you can’t come or are running late. 

-- Please check in with the team builder** (in the bar):

     -- Before you go out to warmup. 

     -- Or, at least 20 minutes prior to the start times. Failure to do so may result in being left off a team.  

**The Team Builder may not have time to reconstruct a fair team to accommodate late comers or those who did sign up.**

Every Golf Club Member (over 18) is invited; MGA, LGA, RAGG, Golf Members, Men, Women, even your dog (if he/she has a valid handicap). 

***Non Club Members will not participate this year unless they are family or invited guests.*** 

Please come out and enjoy the fun of belonging to a golf community.