teaching and learning in Multilingual contexts in higher education

multilingual teaching - what does it mean to you?

Participants from University of Cologne

Lecturer from Stockholm University

This Website about “Teaching and Learning in Multilingual Context in Higher Education” is one of the results of an intensive research period in the Erasmus+ Project R/EQUAL - Requalification for (recently) immigrated and refugee teachers in Europe. The aim is to inspire lecturers in Higher Education to use all existing language competences in their teaching in multilingual settings e.g. by translingual methods and informing others who are interested in the topics of teaching and learning in multilingual contexts. The manual is based on shared data from interviews and group interviews from all R/EQUAL partners using a participatory approach. The manual provides useful strategies and methods for teachers in a multilingual setting and gives insights.

On this site you can find:

    • What multilingual learning is or can be about

    • Lecturers’ and participants’ perspectives on:

    1. Methods and Strategies for multilingual learning

    2. Advantages and Challenges with these methods and strategies

Multilingual teaching

what does it mean?

Multilingualism means that second language learners use all their linguistic resources to think, understand and jointly create meaning. It is defined as “the act performed by bilinguals of accessing different linguistic features or various modes of what are described as autonomous languages, in order to maximize communicative potential” (Ofelia García, 2009: 140).

Multilingual teaching - what does it mean to you?

Lecturer from University of Vienna


Link to the Glossary

The following glossary gives information on central topics as well as recommendations for further literature on learning and teaching in multilingual contexts in Higher Education. Since not all partners use the same language concept, the theoretical principles are presented in the form of a glossary. Further on, this glossary can be helpful in developing a concept at a university that aims to implement a programme for recently immigrated and refugee teachers.

Some results were gained through group interviews and interviews with lecturers and participants working in a multilingual environment in institutions of higher education. Findings are divided into strategies and methods concerning multilingual teaching and learning. Both lecturers and participants give their views on methods and strategies.

In addition, lecturers and participants express the advantages and challenges with those methods and strategies.

"More languages, more possibilities to learn new languages, content -broadens the personal horizon"

Lecturer, University of Cologne

"Which language they use is completely irrelevant to me, whether that is their first or second language or a foreign language, which they learned."

Lecturer, University of Vienna

"This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."