SAgS Notice to Food Production

June 20, 2024

Due to the severe global radiation affecting food production worldwide, it has become a significant challenge for nations across Orbis. Consequently, we urge all farmers within our cherished country, particularly those in Olkmery City, to halt their agricultural operations temporarily. This measure is necessary as the ongoing issue of nuclear radiation makes food production unsafe and impractical at this time.

In response to this crisis, our government is committed to ensuring a sustainable food supply for all citizens. To address the immediate needs of Cetos and Sylverans, we will temporarily procure food from other nations. This strategy is designed to provide a reliable food supply and maintain the well-being of our population during this difficult period.

We understand the importance of maintaining food security and assure you that this decision is in the best interest of Sylvera Sector for Health (SSH). The temporary suspension of local food production is a precautionary step to prevent any potential health risks associated with radiation-contaminated produce.

Our government will continue to closely monitor the situation and provide updates as necessary. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding during this challenging time. Please remain informed and follow any further instructions provided by the authorities to ensure the safety and well-being of all.

Best Regards,

Gregory Latham

Secretary of Sylvera Agricultural Sector (SAgS)