Sylvera Sector for Health (SSH)

Sylvera Sector for Health

The health sector in Sylvera bears the vital responsibility of maintaining the physical and mental well-being of both Sylverans and Cetos. This sector ensures that all citizens of the Republic of Sylvera receive free medical assistance, addressing their healthcare needs comprehensively. Their duties extend beyond immediate medical care; they are also tasked with preventing the spread of diseases across the country. To achieve this, they implement rigorous health measures and protocols designed to detect, contain, and eliminate potential health threats. Moreover, they must guarantee that all citizens have continuous access to necessary medical supplies and medications. The health sector's overarching mission is to create a robust healthcare system that supports the entire population, providing preventive care, treatment, and essential resources to foster a healthy and resilient nation.

Hilda Blexham

SSH Secretary

Beatrix Janner

SSH Representative

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