Know More About Sylvera!

About Sylvera

The Republic of Sylvera, often referred to simply as "Sylvera" is an island nation located in South Asia. Under the guidance of its inaugural leader, President Alice Fraunces, Sylvera has established itself as a beacon of peace and neutrality within the realm of Orbis. A distinctive feature of the country is the pink-colored half-side of its flag, which serves as a powerful emblem of equality, love, and passion.

Sylvera is renowned for its commitment to environmental preservation. The country's natural landscapes seamlessly blend with urban areas, showcasing its dedication to maintaining a harmonious balance between nature and development. This focus extends to safeguarding human rights and ensuring a peaceful environment for all its inhabitants, both Sylverans and Cetos.

The nation's history is marked by the leadership of Isylver Byllyng, a courageous young female Ceto leader who played a pivotal role in aiding her people during the catastrophic Ceto earthquake. After her untimely death, leadership transitioned to Muad Balam, who eventually declared Sylvera's independence, naming the country in honor of Isylver Byllyng's legacy.

Today, Sylvera is dedicated to national development and progress. Thanks to effective governance, President Alice Fraunces enjoys a remarkable approval rating of 97.09%, one of the highest among leaders in Orbis. This impressive figure reflects the widespread support and confidence of the Sylveran people in her leadership and vision for the future.

Our Origin

In the early days of settlement, a community of indigenous people chose to make their home on what would later become known as Ceto Island. These original inhabitants, identifying themselves as Cetos, established a unique cultural identity rooted in their connection to the land and sea. The name "Ceto" itself derived from an indigenous expression meaning "set" reflecting the community's deep-seated ties to their island home.

Over time, the population of Ceto Island became increasingly diverse, with individuals of various religious backgrounds coexisting harmoniously within the island's borders. The blending of indigenous traditions with the beliefs and practices of Muslims and Christians fostered a rich tapestry of cultural exchange and mutual respect among the island's inhabitants.

However, the tranquility of Ceto Island was shattered by a catastrophic event of seismic proportions. A massive earthquake rocked the southern reaches of Asia, its epicenter striking Ceto Island with devastating force. The once tranquil landscape was rent asunder, as the tremors cleaved the island into five smaller fragments, leaving destruction and chaos in their wake.

Amidst the chaos and destruction wrought by the earthquake, one individual emerged as a beacon of hope and courage amidst the darkness. Isylver Byllyng, a fearless member of the Ceto community, distinguished herself through acts of extraordinary bravery and selflessness. In the face of imminent danger, Isylver Byllyng fearlessly led rescue efforts, saving the lives of over a thousand Cetos caught in the throes of disaster.

In recognition of her remarkable leadership and unwavering dedication to her people, Isylver Byllyng was unanimously hailed as the first Ceto Leader, entrusted with the solemn responsibility of guiding her community through the tumultuous aftermath of the earthquake. Her ascent to leadership marked a turning point in the history of Ceto Island, symbolizing a triumph of resilience and unity in the face of adversity.

Our Government

Sylvera operates under a democratic government framework, specifically functioning as a constitutional republic with a presidential system. In this form of governance, the nation adheres to a constitution that outlines the structure, powers, and limits of government authorities, ensuring a balanced and just administration. The First Ceto President of The Republic of Sylvera is Alice Fraunces, a young female International Studies Program graduate at the University of Omouridge and graduated master's at Law at the University of Cambridge.

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