Sylvera Armed Forces (SAF)

Sylvera Armed Forces 

The National Armed Forces of Sylvera, commonly referred to as the Sylvera Armed Forces, constitute the country's military establishment dedicated to safeguarding the security and well-being of both Cetos and Sylveran citizens. Their comprehensive protective duties encompass all domains, including land, water, and air, ensuring the nation's defense against any potential threats.

A distinguishing characteristic of the Sylvera Armed Forces is their commitment to operating as one of the most lightweight and voluntary military organizations globally. They uphold the principles of free will and human rights by not imposing mandatory service on Sylveran citizens, thereby respecting individual autonomy and freedom. This approach not only reflects their ethical stance but also fosters a sense of trust and voluntary cooperation among the populace, strengthening the bond between the military and the civilian community.

3 Divisions of SAF

Sylvera National Armed Navy (SNAN)

Responsible for protecting the country by water domain

Sylvera National Ground Force (SNGF)

Responsible for protecting the country by land domain

Sylvera National Air Force (SNAF)

Responsible for protecting the country by air domain

General Panshawne, Alexander

SNGF General

General Russell, Avery

SNAF General

Captain Jenny, Leofric

SNAN Captain

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