Welcome To Sylvera


Sylveran Citizens

74.83 people/sq. mi

Average Population Density



Meet The World in Sylvera!

Omouridge City

University of Sylvera, Hopburgh City

Vroham City

Batevau Forest Park, Hopburgh City

Olkmery City

Presidential Palace, Omouridge City

National Projects

These National Projects aims to benefit all Sylverans and Cetos and to make their lives more easier to the country.

"Center For Activity" Project

"Build Roads, Better Traffic" Project

By Clicking, you'll be directed to the page of Sylvera National Media Center. This Includes Press Releases (SNSA), Presidential Speeches, and Government Statements.


To foster a prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable society that empowers every citizen to reach their full potential. Through innovation, equitable governance, and a commitment to environmental stewardship, Sylvera will provide a secure and thriving environment where diversity is celebrated, and opportunities for growth and development are accessible to all. 


To be a beacon of peace, progress, and sustainability in the global community. Sylvera envisions a future where its people live in harmony, enjoying the highest standards of living, education, and health. The nation will lead in technological and environmental advancements, setting an example of how to balance economic growth with ecological preservation. By nurturing a culture of respect, cooperation, and continuous improvement, Sylvera aims to inspire other nations to pursue a better, more equitable world. 

Echoes of the Silver Heart.mp3

"Echoes of the Silver Heart"

Republic of Sylvera National Anthem

"We Have Set Into The Island"

"May Isylver Byllyng guide our nation. As we progress, may we lead lives filled with peace, pursue our dreams with determination, and ensure that Sylvera remains a harmonious nation. Let love prevail throughout Orbis, bringing unity and tranquility to all."

"Hail To Isylver Byllyng! We Have Set Into The Island!"

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