
We look forward to another great year of engaging science experiences in our schools! This year, we are continuing using the National Geographic Exploring Science program for K-5 and STEM Scopes for 6th Grade. We are also very excited to continue and expand our partnerships with Liberty Science Center with all grades! The goal of this partnership is to enhance teaching and learning for students and staff through interactive Science and STEAM activities. Because we have a focus on interdisciplinary connections, our district focuses on integrating technology, engineering, art, and math. It also encourages students to collaborate, create, and apply their problem solving skills through integrative learning.

All students will continue to participate in hands-on activities to reinforce and apply scientific concepts, including Picture-Perfect Science where inquiry-based lessons combine science and reading in a meaningful way through the use of picture books. Whenever possible other interdisciplinary connections to other subject areas and learning experience will be applied. Students will also have interactive learning opportunities, including simulations and virtual labs, through Discovery Education.