Service Learning

A lot of the literature on reflection-in-action has its roots in Service Learning.

Advisory—A Call to Action - a unit on Service Learning for Grades 6-8

Planning a Service Project - a unit for Grades 6-8 and 9-12 from the Peace Corps

Reflection Toolkit (PDF attached below), Northwest Service Academy, Metro Center, Portland, OR

Service-Learning: Using Structured Reflection to Enhance Learning from Service

Campus Compact is a national coalition of more than 1,100 college and university presidents - representing some 6 million students - dedicated to promoting community service, civic engagement, and service-learning in higher education.

How to Guide for REFLECTION (also see attachment below in Word format "how2guide.doc")

The National Service-Learning Cooperative ServeAmerica K-12 Clearinghouse, Pennsylvania Institute for Environmental and Community Service Learning, Northeast Regional Technical Assistance Center, Compiled by Lorraine Parrillo