
Originally published as http://sites.google.com/site/reflection4learning/ in old Google Sites

This website has been developed by Helen Barrett and Jonathon Richter of the University of Oregon's Center for Advanced Technology in Education, to support reflection for learning in education, from early childhood through higher education and into the professions.

Reflection is the hallmark of many thoughtfully developed portfolios. Reflections on the products within a portfolio allow the audience to understand why these items were chosen to represent the student and his / her capacities and can provide some of the best indicators of student growth. However many students often have a difficult time thinking about their own learning when confronted by teachers to do so without guidance or support. When asked to reflect on their learning, students often don't know quite what to say or write - as much of the thinking that has gone on has been either subconscious or nonverbal.

On this site, there are links to scaffolding and support for reflection across the educational spectrum, from elementary school through higher education. There are also links to models of reflection that support the learning process.

mPortfolios: Supporting Reflection in ePortfolios with mobile devices (ISTE Poster Session)


Supporting Reflection in ePortfolios using GoogleApps and Chromebooks


Supporting Reflection in ePortfolios using generic Web 2.0 tools or open source ePortfolio systems
