NC Reflection Model

Self-Assessment: The Reflective Practitioner

Reflection is what allows us to learn from our experiences: it is an assessment of where we have been and where we want to go next.

~ Kenneth Wolf

The reflection that accompanies the evidence a candidate presents in the performance-based product is a critical part of the candidate’s development. Through reflection the candidate begins the ongoing process of blending the art and science of good teaching practice. Reflection requires thoughtful and careful reporting and analysis of teaching practice, philosophy, and experience. Understanding why an activity or practice was productive or nonproductive in the classroom is a key element in the progression from novice to master teacher.

The reflection cycle and the guiding questions included in this packet are designed to assist licensure candidates in the reflection process. They will enable candidates to better understand the reflection process and address the question; "How does this piece of evidence demonstrate my knowledge and skill level in this activity?". The following reflection cycle offers a prescriptive structure while allowing the flexibility necessary for candidates to demonstrate their knowledge, skill, and ability in the unique context of their area and environment.

The reflections of the novice teacher are also vital to the assessors charged with the responsibility for judging whether the teacher has met the required level of performance for each standard based activity. Through their responses to the guiding questions, candidates will better be able to put evidence into perspective for the review team members by explaining how the evidence or artifact addresses the standard through the activity.

The process provided a focus with my teaching; it made me constantly question what I was challenging my students with and why I was doing it.

~ Novice Teacher

The Reflection Cycle

Writing a Reflection


What evidence/artifacts have you included?


This step involves a description of the circumstances, situation or issues related to the evidence or artifact. Four "W" questions are usually addressed:

    • Who was involved?

    • What were the circumstances, concerns, or issues?

    • When did the event occur?

    • Where did the event occur?


This step involves "digging deeper." The "Why" of the evidence or artifact and the "How" of its relationship to your teaching practice should be addressed.


In the previous three steps, you have described and analyzed an experience, a piece of evidence, or an activity. The actual self-assessment occurs at this stage as you interpret the activity or evidence and evaluate its appropriateness and impact.


This step holds the greatest opportunity for growth as you use the insights gained from reflection in improving and transforming your practice.

The Reflection Process

Becoming a reflective practitioner requires time, practice, and an environment supportive to the development and organization of the reflection process. This is a highly individualized process and the licensure candidate should find the structure and method of reflection that best suits him or her.


● Immediately after the lesson/experience

● At the end of the school day

● During my planning period

● First thing in the morning

● Wednesday during my lunch period

● Tuesday while my students are in ________________


● In my room

● In my office

● In the library

● At home

● In the shower

● In the car as I commute to and from work


● On the computer

● Reflective journaling

● Sticky notes on the lesson/artifact

● Reflection sheets attached to the evidence

● Verbal reflection on the video

● Audio tapes

● On a Dictaphone [my spouse can transcribe them tonight!]

The reflections helped me to see that I actually was making a difference, even though it didn’t always seem like it.

~ Novice Teacher

Source: [1/27/2002]

PBL - Self-Assessment: The Reflective Practitioner

North Carolina Department of Public Instruction

301 N. Wilmington St. Raleigh, NC 27601 Phone: 919-807-3304