Broadcast Journalism

Dakota News Now Media Camp

In 2022, I was selected out of a pool of applicants from the Sioux Falls area to participate in the Dakota News Now Media Camp, a week-long broadcasting experience at a South Dakota ABC, NBC, and FOX affiliate. During the camp, I produced my own stories as a reporter in the 5:00 newscast and presented others as an anchor in the 6:00 newscast. Between the two five-minute newscasts produced throughout the week, I learned the aspects of various roles at the station. Because of this camp, my love for broadcasting and journalism as a whole blossomed; it uncovered my enthusiasm for the bustle of news stations and led me down a path to pursue it as a dream career. My edited reel from the newscasts can be found below.

Media Camp Spokesperson

After the camp concluded, Dakota News Now designated me as the 2023 Camp Spokesperson, and I appeared in promotional materials for the next year's camp. These promotions ran for two months on the local ABC, NBC, and FOX stations. This role helped me push other young journalists in South Dakota to pursue broadcasting and value journalism as an integral part of informed citizenship. The commercial can be found below.