Thinking ... Drugs And Alcohol Need To Be In Your Past, Rather Than Your Future?

Then RTC Is The Place For You!

Reality; our purpose, the meaning of our lives can only be realized through Christ. When that truth-statement is recognized and Christ is accepted into one's life the light is turned on... and life changes! That's right! Jesus is the solution, and we know, and have experienced Jesus! The empowering Spirit of the Living God enters into one's life, and the individual begins to experience the power to love others, to understand their true purpose; who they are, why they are here, and gain a clear conscience! The God given power actually arrives so someone can stop getting stoned! That's right! If you do not want to do it anymore, you do not have to! The individual begins to experience "New Life In Christ"! Jesus changes people!

So many want change, but haven't the power or the motivational reason to change. Their anger, frustration, sense of despair keeps them locked into a self-degrading lifestyle. We invite you to open your eyes to eternity! My friend, come on out of the fog! The Lord created us for an eternal partnership with Him. An experience beyond our wildest imagination! When we begin to properly relate with Jesus our other relationships are properly established, and the healing occurs. That's the way He planned it! Most of us decided to play life without the Lord being included in our lives. No wonder we sit around discussing hurts, hang-ups, and habits! Who got busted last weekend? Boring!... Jesus changes us... including our conversation. He loves you! He cared, so He died for you and I, so we can experience a new life here and now, and in heaven... our home forever! That's the truth! So every fault, every offense, every sin can be forgiven forever!

Your Father... yes, your Father wants you involved in a life-changing relationship with Him! He never walked out on you... Yea, maybe others did... not Him! Where have you been anyway? He never turned His back on you... He's still waiting at home! That's right! Patiently waiting for his buddy to return to Him...

That's what we are all about! Experiencing His friendship! His power to live the way He intended us to live, forevermore!