
The Akosombo Area

 Eastern Region, Ghana

The Right Place For You To Settle


Discover Akosombo Area Eastern Region, Ghana

Are you dreaming of exploring a vibrant destination that not only captivates you with its breathtaking tourist attractions but also offers a welcoming environment for potential residents?

Look no further than "Discover Akosombo," your comprehensive tour guide book that unveils the wonders of the Akosombo area in Ghana, West Africa.

"Discover Akosombo" is a companion for curious travelers, potential residents, and astute investors. 

Your Ultimate Guide to Experiencing Life in Ghana's Thriving Akosombo Area"

This is the first of a series of books that will give an on-the-ground perspective on the amenities that the community offers. It goes into detail about educational institutions, hospitals, accommodations, and business opportunities in and around the surrounding communities. The book also identifies the Traditional Leaders in the communities. 

Excerpt from the "Discover Akosombo Area"

The development projects that are planned and ongoing are transforming the landscape, infrastructure, and flow of business. After watching the attached videos, astute investors will see how all of the projects are interconnected.  Now is the time to get into the Akosombo Area, as a few of the major infrastructure projects will have a direct impact on the economy. 

Introducing YZ Born Again Afrikan: 

A Journey of Repatriation and Success!

At YZ Born Again Afrikan, we're more than just a business—we're a family, and our story embodies the beauty of an African Diaspora Relationship (ADR). As a blend of African American and Ghanaian heritage from the Volta Region, our family, consisting of Yaa Brenda Muhammad (PBUH), Yaw Yazid Muhammad, and Akousa Janet Muhammad-Agbenyo, has found the perfect formula for success.

Our blog takes you on a captivating journey through our daily experiences spanning over 14 years of repatriation to Ghana. We share the ups and downs, the triumphs and challenges, and the lessons we've learned along the way. Join us as we open up about our 10-year business ventures, community social outreach, and personal adventures.

Through our blog, we aim to provide valuable insights into the realities of repatriation and the path to success. We share our triumphs and failures, offering a transparent look into our business ventures. Discover the strategies we've employed, the obstacles we've overcome, and the triumphs we've celebrated.

But our blog is more than just a business journey. It's a platform where we delve into our community social outreach efforts, highlighting the impact we've made in the lives of those around us. We believe in the power of giving back and fostering positive change within our community. Witness the projects we've undertaken, the lives we've touched, and the difference we've made.

And amidst it all, we share our personal experiences—the joys, the challenges, and the growth we've experienced as individuals and as a family. Our blog is a window into our lives, providing an intimate connection with our readers as we navigate the intricacies of repatriation and cultural assimilation.

Join us on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery, entrepreneurship, and community engagement. Be inspired, informed, and entertained as we weave together our narrative, leaving you with a newfound appreciation for the power of determination, resilience, and the pursuit of a meaningful life.

Follow the link below and embark on a transformative adventure with YZ Born Again Afrikan. We're excited to share our story with you and inspire you to embrace your own path to success. Let's redefine what it means to repatriate, thrive, and leave a lasting legacy together. YZ Born Again Afrikan: Where the power of family, repatriation, and success converge.

YZ Born Again Afrikan Blog

Discover YZ Born Again Afrikan, a thriving family-owned business that embodies the power of African Diaspora Relationships (ADR). Our unique blend of African American and Ghanaian heritage from the Volta Region showcases the strength and success that can arise from cultural fusion. 

Our captivating blog chronicles the day-to-day experiences we've encountered during our 14-year journey of repatriation to Ghana. Delve into a decade of business ventures, where we share stories of triumphs, failures, community outreach, and personal growth. Join us as we unravel inspiration for those seeking their own path to success. 

By the ebook here.
Learn more

Meet the Author

This a great interview! Listen and learn more about why and how Yaw Yazid Muhammad decided to write and promote the Akosombo Area. When you purchase the tour book contact Bro. Yaw Yazid Muhammad and schedule a consultation to get accurate information about the Akosombo Area.