Importance of Reading

Knowledge can be acquired and built through the simple act of reading, which is why it is critical for everyone to be exposed to reading at an early age, as well as to develop a love for reading that continues into their adult lives. Reading is a pleasurable way to gain knowledge about people, places, and things, and to develop a richer vocabulary. If we are to achieve a "Nation of Readers," the upcoming generation of hard workers and leaders must be well-read and knowledgable individuals who can help better our society as a whole.

Educational Benefits

  • When children are exposed to various text types, they learn to write in different genres. Text types include narratives, poetry, reports, etc.

  • Children build their vocabulary which they will use in their everyday speaking and writing.

  • Children's understanding of the five components of reading (Fluency, Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Phonics, and Phonemic Awareness) increases greatly when they become avid readers.

Social and Emotional Benefits

  • Children become more empathetic people when they learn to view other people's perspectives through reading.

  • Children can relate to people and events in books, oftentimes validating themselves and their personal experiences.

  • Reading fosters creativity and imagination which can be applied to children's everyday lives both in and out of school.

  • Reading is a relaxing activity to do when stressed or anxious.

Benefits of Reading Aloud

  • As listed below, there are multiple benefits that can come from reading to a child aloud. With more than 80% of children's brains developing before the age of 3, there is no age limit when it comes to reading to your child. Children should start being read to as early as 6-9 months old to become familiar with the feel of books, the process of storytelling, as well as support their cognitive development.

  • Read-alouds with your child should continue even after they know how to read independently to practice their listening skills. Their concentration and memory skills also increase as they comprehend stories being read aloud to them.

Bedtime Stories!

Bedtime stories are a great time and place for you and your child to sit down and jump into an exciting story. Lemon & Letters is an excellent resource full of simple stories that you can read aloud to your child right from your phone or any other digital device as they drift off to sleep. View their website of stories HERE.