Getting Started

As pre-service teachers, we encourage reading at home as much as we can so students can strengthen their reading skills and fall in love with reading. But how can parents foster a love and enjoyment for reading in their child's life? Try these tips by implementing them into your home and motivate your child to read.

Create a Reader-Friendly Space

You can start by creating a reading area for your child. Whether that is in the living room or their own room, create a comfortable place for children to read. Make it a goal to use that space for reading by having a pile of books and reading activities children can complete.

Diversify Your Library

Diverse books serve as mirrors and windows for children to explore the similarities, differences, and experiences of others. It allows them to see themselves within the stories they read, and to read about others. Head over to our Resource and Activities page to find more diverse books you can read to your child.

Make Reading Fun

Get books that spark your child's interest. This hooks children's attention because they are reading books they actually enjoy. If you or your child are stuck on what type of books they like, take a visit to your local library or book stores to explore the variety of books!

Set An Example

Let your child see you read! Use that same reading corner or pick up a book after dinner and model how an adult can enjoy reading too!

Establish a Reading Time

Make sure this time is seen as a free-time activity rather than something they have to do. Picking a specific time of the day for "free-time" reading can then lead to a daily habit of reading.

Encourage Activities that Require Reading

With your child, you can work together to read instructions on how to bake a cake or how to pot plants. These activities require for your child to read along and strengthens both their reading and listening skills!

Variety, Variety, Variety

Have a variety of reading material your child can access on their own. This can be magazines (such as National Geographic Kids), audiobooks, comics, or poetry for older kids. This allows your child to get a "break" from books and expand their horizons on different kinds of reading material.

Make Reading Creative

If your child loves to draw or loves the arts in general, allow them to create their own book. If art is not their thing, they can create a piece of writing such as writing a letter to the author of their favorite book! Enacting their favorite character in a book through a "Readers' Theatre" is also a great option. The possibilities are endless!

Let Them Choose

When children have the option to choose their own reading material, it significantly boosts their motivation to read.