Clothing Swap at Energy

The first clothing swap at Energy High School will be held on Thursday, April 25. Join us after school from 3:05 to 5:00 in the cafeteria. 

A clothing swap is exactly what it sounds like: give clothes, get clothes! Your gently-used clothes can be traded for digital tickets before the swap. These tickets can be exchanged for other garments

One ticket = One clothing item. Drop your items off in the teal-labeled boxes at Energy’s three main entrances. Remember, clothes collection closes Monday the 22nd

Fill out the QR code form on the box (or on posters scattered around school... or on this section of the website) to document how many clothes you donated. Anyone can participate!

Our Flyer

Interested in Planning One?

Click below for tips & tricks for planning your own clothing swap 

(tailored towards Energy students)

HOW TO: Clothing Swap

Benefits of Clothing Swaps

Clothing swaps help circulate clothes and extend their lifespans. Instead of clothes being indiscriminately landfilled, they are able to continue flowing within the current of the community.

Cycling clothes has the same benefits of shopping new-- try new styles, satisfy your consumption sweet tooth, find something for specific events, and support local initiatives. 

However, clothing swaps don't contribute to landfill waste the same way shopping new does. When you trade in your old shirt, it's given an entirely new closet!