RD Advanced

Alien Swarm Reactive Drop Advanced Modification. Faster. More Stable. Less lag.

Fully compatible with the game. You able to join any server, everyone able to join your hosted games too.

Custom dlls with bug fixes and additional features

Download Links:

  • Easy to install, simply copy files to a path like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Alien Swarm Reactive Drop\reactivedrop\bin or similar depends on your steam installation


  • Big amount of stability improvements (server crashes significantly less)

  • Fixed various console warnings.

  • Better fix for drone warping.

  • Fixed mortarbug shells blocking elevators (Real fix not just message suppression). Moved message about interpenetrating entities to developer 2 console command (that is known good enough by map creators and fits it's logic to show more information. Better than random unclean cvar in rd)

  • Active Firemines do not fall through solid func_brush or func_asw_fade surface (Maps like Dark Path), this fixes also fails on elevators (Maps like Cable-Car etc)

  • Fixed egg parasite may appear randomly outside of an egg and even may lead to crash (Maps like Communication Center \ Sewer Junction etc)

  • Correct parasite position and spawn directions within rotated\scaled eggs. (Maps like Evil Corp etc)

  • Drones do not get stuck when exiting over climb node routes.(Maps like New Beginning, Area9800-3 etc)

  • Fixed rangers unable to attack under specific conditions.

  • Fixed spawning drones may damage marines from underfloor. Maps like Area9800-2 and many others.

  • Fixed ghost items may appear in marine's inventory

  • Statistic support on Football map

  • Fix for situation when you fire grenade front and damage yourself when drone hits you from behind

  • Better handling of crate stuck situation

  • Convar rda_grenade_launcher_grenade_ricochet 1 to provide really nice ricochet grenades. Play usual maps with this new nice mechanics. Use additional Convars for fine tune: rda_grenade_post_ricochet_velocity_multiplier and rda_grenade_max_ricochets. Try ready-made challenge

  • Convar rda_auto_mission_failed_instant_restart 1 to skip annoying mission fail screen and countdown timer [After 1.5 years rd dev did similar thing, but we would like to use this instead as usual]

  • Serverside BackPack: Unactive weapon model on marine's back. To enable it use rda_marine_backpack 1 convar. Optionally: rda_marine_backpack_alt_position 1 to rotate backpack model different way. Works with ANY challenge. Only a little disadvantage (since this is only serverside thing to do not break compatibility with default clients) if player uses smaller custom models backpack position will not be precise.

  • Fix for continue button sometime does not work.

  • Fix for med beacons jumping on elevator for too long

  • Attempt to fix revive related issue when marine takes a gun instead of actual revive.

  • Fire mines do not collide with grenades while in air.

  • Safely raised some sound engine limit to reduce lag.

  • Fixed incorrect speed of doors and elevators on higher tickrate servers. Better and more full implementation than existing workshop plugin.

  • Added rda_strafepush (bind "SPACE" "rda_strafepush", default is bind "SPACE" "+jump") console command with some convars to have new nice way to play the game in challenges.

  • VScript: Add void SetParent(handle parent), void ClearParent() methods to CBaseEntity which are faster than DoEntFire calls

  • Removed stupid client.dll consistency check to support any other usefull mods like it was in Alien Swarm.

  • Custom skins support for sentry turrets.


  1. Big amount of stability improvements (You can even use grenade launcher with rd_carnage_scale 15 without crash)

  2. Made minigun's barrel spinning in multiplayer.

  3. Made campaign selection list a little more compact. Try it together with this addon

  4. Convar rda_better_weapon_chooser 1 to provide very nice compact weapon selection list. There is minor drawing glitch if u change convar clearly during selection but simply use scrollbar to update. So this is not any real issue.

  5. Add rda_chat_color_r, rda_chat_color_g, rda_chat_color_b ConVars to customise chat text color on client. This way you can easilly find player messages in the console. Try for example 0 255 255 corresponding values.

  6. Made chainsaw to show amount with rd_ammo_counter_under_marine 1.

  7. Convar rda_faster_radialmenu. Set it to 1 to make radial menu disapper faster and do not delay weapon's fire. Radial menu is that circle one with 8 action commands and smiles like follow me, hold position, medic! and so on.

  8. Fixed case of incorrect alien animations.

  9. Fixed glitch with decals.

  10. Added buttons to manage challenges easier.

  11. Fixed reason when player is unable to draw on minimap at certain area.

  12. asw_tree_sway_enabled 1 convar to see nice trees swaying. Use it together with this Addon. Map restart required on change.

  13. Overhealth support in healthbar under marine. To support challenges with marine.SetHealth(big_amount) and similar stuff.

  14. rda_faster_wire_hack_close 1 hack panel has no fade out, this way u may use chainsaw faster without annoying delays.

  15. asw_use_blip_colors 1 Configurable colors for aliens on minimap radar. Possible to change via autoexec. Look for example asw_blip_color_boomer 255 255 255 and other asw_blip_color_XXX convars. LINK FOR FULL LIST THERE

Missionchooser.dll has no special changes but only some bug fixes inside.

Servers with this mod installed:

[Note: some servers may not be updated after RD official patch, also features are various from server to server]
  • Muffin's Dead Drop

  • Mach New York

  • Orange Amsterdam

  • Some of Phoenixes.ca, make sure u pick the right ones

  • Gandalf's Tower - 1st floor and others

  • YOUMO GUY'S SERVER[1] and others

  • >> Deathmatch with Bots OR << other maps

  • Golden Mire servers

  • Anne

  • mengxin[1] and others

  • ASRD GoQuake+

  • Some other who likes to stay private and who doesn't even report.

Friendly Ch1ckenscoop Mod servers:

  • Ch1ckensCoop Mod [4x][Unlimited Ammo]+HL2 NPCs

  • SoCo Swarm Avalanche Mod Hard Test Server

Servers we remember as nice ones but rip for now:

  • [xigua]HZ-1 and others

List of outdated changes:

[ since our rd dev suddenly butthurted about this mod :) ]
  • Fixed grenade collision with moving doors

  • Fully working minimap rotation (Correct alien\bot\objective position, correct rotation of map edges and so on) [1.5 year later rd dev found some guy who did this for him]

  • 1.5 years later we still have better fix for drone warping too