
  • May 10, 2022. Updated with recent Rd patch

  • April 29, 2022. Updated with recent Rd patch

  • April 25, 2022. Updated with recent Rd patch

  • April 22, 2022. Updated with recent Rd patch

  • February 11, 2022. RDA is mostly part of the base game now. But still has features. Like disables more unnecessary code, modern compiler, minimap coloring etc. Also i have some new ideas so long live rda :)

  • February 2, 2022. Implemented rd update.

  • January 24, 2022. Implemented rd update. Additional minor things within server n client.

  • December 22, 2021. Fixed case of drone's very rare incorrect path. Fixed few memory leaks. Attempt to fix buzzers being stuck in air. Fixed shieldbug related crash. Slightly improved overall performance, slightly improved performance on cargo elevator. Improved stability. Fixed very minor glitches related to statistics, wrong icon, effects. Slightly better behaviour when dropping fire mines. Added convars asw_blip_color_used_marine, asw_blip_color_other_marine. Added convars rda_grenade_allow_electro_amped rda_grenade_electrostun_duration rda_grenade_electrostun_range_multiplier. Added convars sv_autobunnyhopping, sv_enablebunnyhopping, thx to Chaos. More minor stuff.

  • September 13, 2021. Add some convar to improve performance in server.dll.

  • September 12, 2021.Correctly killing doors in one blow with ultra high damage. Fixed issue with in game tutorial since i found it eventually. More minor changes in server.dll.

  • September 7, 2021. New Convar asw_blip_color_parasite_egg 0 0 255 for client. Some convars to improve performance on low end pcs. Fixed two rare crashes in client. Fixed memory leak in server. Improved performance of client\server. Fixed some dangerous command for server. Asbi2077 challenge statistic on client. More minor changes.

  • July 22, 2021. Implemented rd update. Some other minor changes.

  • June 20, 2021. Fix for slightly changed grenade behavior of server.dll from previous version.

  • June 19, 2021. Fix for situation when you fire grenade front and damage yourself when drone hits you from behind. Better handling of crate stuck situation. rda_faster_wire_hack_close 1 removes fade out of hack panel after hack is completed, this way u may use chainsaw faster without annoying delays, enabled by default. Fix for med beacons jumping on elevator for too long. Fix for continue button sometime does not work. Colored minimap blips for different type of aliens enabled by default by asw_use_blip_colors 1. Configurable via autoexec. (Thx to element109 for last two) rda_faster_radialmenu is now 1 by default. Some other stability improvements.

  • December 5, 2020. Implemented small rd update. Added some vscript func and event for challenge coming later. Added Turbo challenges to statistics. Some other very minor things.

  • November 7, 2020, Some stability changes in server, more in client. Add asw_tree_sway_enabled 1 convar to client (thx to element109) use it together with this addon from jhheight Map restart required on change.

  • October 15,2020. Implemented tickrate fix for doors and elevators into server.dll, workshop addon no longer needed. Fixed some minor things. Added experimental server.dll compiled with different setup.

  • October 3, 2020. Fixed minor issue from previous client.

  • October 2, 2020. Fixed reason when player was unable to draw on minimap at certain area. Some stability changes in client. Other minor changes. Polished this site a little.

  • September 27, 2020. Fixed server crash on some of official map. Fixed server console warning. Removed additinal server console warnings from previous server.dll. Fixed server undefined behavior. Add safety to some console commands. Increased speed of closing ui in some case in client. Other minor things.

  • September 11, 2020. Some addition checks for server stability.

  • September 6, 2020. Improved stability of server. Add ASBI buttons to challenge selection in client. Fixed glitch with animations and decals. Other minor stuff.

  • August 22,2020. Few minor changes to improve performance.

  • August 17,2020. Fixed memory leak in server. Fixed possible crash reason, added new convar for challenges. Optimized some code in server\client. Fixed some minor bugs like (for example) some bug with spectators and more. Slightly improved netcode. Updated with last RD patch. (Some stuff was already in experimental) Fixed crash in last RD patch.

  • June 1, 2020. Some possible crash fix in server\client. Other minor stuff. Added rda_draw_backpack\rda_hide_backpack console commands to support toggle of backpack in challenges. These work only as first "push". Combine it rda_marine_backpack for continuous code logic.

  • May 23, 2020. Implemented new rd patch

  • May 20, 2020. Allow sentries to use custom skins for some workshop addons in server.dll

  • May 11, 2020. RDA client now works on Any server. Have fun;)

  • May 4, 2020. Some stability changes n memory leak fix within server n client

  • April 22, 2020. Implemented slighty cleaned rd patch (no glitchy cake creation)

  • March 17, 2020. Implemented rd patch with Autogavy's and other stuff

  • February 25, 2020. Fixed bunch of bad places in client\server to improve stability. Added jumpjet_volume brush entity for future use in mapping. Provides free jump possibility inside its volume instead of spamming nodes or enabling jumping to everything on map.Convar rda_default_game_description_from_file 1 .Takes text (31 symbol max) from default_description.cfg in cfg folder and uses it instead of text in <Game> tab in dedicated servers browser list when challenge disabled picked in lobby. Fixed case of glitchy alien animations. Some very very minor optimizations.

  • December 13, 2019. Disabled some partially executed but undone and unused code that may be buggy by somehow (since undone) also that minor perf boost. Fixed memory leak.

  • November 26, 2019. Some stability thing into server.dll from other guy. Forgot to ask him if he wants to stay private. So let this description to be like this for now.

  • November 21, 2019. Bunch of stability changes in server and client. Some very minor optimisations in server.

  • October 26, 2019. Implemented rd patch. Removed bugged and not working code.

  • October 17, 2019. Bunch of new stability changes within client. Minor stuff in server.

  • September 26, 2019. Added rda_strafepush console command (bind "SPACE" "rda_strafepush") with convars rda_marine_allow_strafe, rda_marine_strafe_allow_air to make some fun way to run around the map in challenges. Some minor other stuff.

  • July 20, 2019. Added rda_faster_radialmenu convar. Radial menu disappears faster and does not delay weapon's fire

  • July 17, 2019. Minor tweaks in client

  • July 6, 2019. Fixed link on mega was old

  • July 5, 2019 Update #2. Fixed old bug with ghost items may appear in marine's inventory. Attempt to fix revive related bug when marine takes a gun instead of actual revive. Made chainsaw to show correct value with rd_ammo_counter_under_marine 1

  • July 5, 2019. Implemented changes from RD patch

  • June 30, 2019. Fixed spawning drones may damage marines from underfloor.

  • June 29, 2019. Safely raised some sound related limit in server.dll. Some big fixes in client.

  • June 26, 2019. Big enough code cleanup n optimization in server.dll. Some minor stuff in client.

  • June 18, 2019. Removed label word from list with rda_better_weapon_chooser set to 0, made rda_better_weapon_chooser 1 as default on client. Other minor stuff.

  • June 18, 2019. Fixed rangers unable to attack under specific conditions. Some minor optimizations and bug fixes in server and client.

  • June 9, 2019. Customizable chat text color on client. This way you can easilly find player messages in the console.

  • June 8, 2019. Correct backpack for sentry activated via ASW_ActivatePrimary or ASW_ActivateSecondary console command. Add Overhealth support to healthbar under marine.

  • June 4, 2019. Minor code optimization cleanup. Fixed typo in ricochet word.

  • May 30, 2019. Disabled some unnecessary but quite costly computations in server.dll to improve performance. Tweaked client.dll alien blob nade crashfix to work better under different conditions. More minor fixes in server and client.

  • May 26, 2019. Fixed minor issues with backback. Applied missing stuff for Bouncing Betty, so it works once again.

  • May 25, 2019. Initial backpack code, some minor issues but mostly fine.

  • May 21, 2019. Updated with new RD code

  • May 16 2019. Fixes with warping drones

  • Previous stuff no data.