Plot 41


### Copyright (c) Richard Creamer 2019 - All Rights Reserved

### Inquiries: email


### Globals

fontScale = 1.2    # Global font size variable

lf        = 1.2    # Enlarge font of plot labels

verbose   = FALSE  # Verbose printing

lw        = 2      # Line width

xMargin   = 1      # X-axis margin for plots

yMargin   = 1      # Y-axis margin for plots

de        = 0.01   # Small constant for estimating derivatives numerically

smlPts    = 1      # Small  data point/circle

medPts    = 1.5    # Medium data point/circle

lrgPts    = 2.0    # Large  data point/circle

### Run this function to generate this plot

runFunc = function() {

dw = 1000

dh = 750

path = "D:/Code/R/LeastSquaresPlay/PlotsAndAssocCode/Plot41/"

gd = makeGaussianTestData()

savePngVerbose( paste(path, "Plot41.png", sep=""), 

plotGaussErrorContours, w=1200, h=1280, un="px", nLevels=110, drawGradVecs=TRUE, normGradVecs=TRUE, gd=gd )


### Shared use case Gaussian data set generator used by several cooperating functions

makeGaussianTestData = function( trueAmpl=5, trueSigma=2, aGuess=sqrt(trueAmpl), sGuess=sqrt(trueSigma), nPts=40 ) {

set.seed( 3 )

x = seq( -5*trueSigma, 5*trueSigma, length=nPts )

y = gauss1dFunc( x, trueAmpl, trueSigma ) + rnorm( length(x), sd=0.2 )

guesses = list( a=aGuess, s=sGuess )

tuple = list( trueAmpl=trueAmpl, trueSigma=trueSigma, x=x, y=y, nPts=nPts, guesses=guesses )

return( tuple )


### 2D plot error contours for range of Amplitude and Sigma values

### Amplitude maps to x-axis, Sigma maps to y-axis

plotGaussErrorContours = function( nLevels=30, customTitle="", drawGradVecs=FALSE, normGradVecs=TRUE, gd=NULL ) {

set.seed( 3 )

if ( is.null( gd ) )

gd = makeGaussianTestData()

a = gd$trueAmpl

s = gd$trueSigma

x = gd$x

y = gd$y

minAmpl  = a * 0.1; maxAmpl  = a * 1.7

minSigma = s * 0.1; maxSigma = s * 1.7

# Adjust ranges so plot is square

deltaA = maxAmpl - minAmpl

deltaS = maxSigma - minSigma

maxDelta = if ( deltaA > deltaS ) deltaA else deltaS

if ( deltaA > deltaS ) {

maxSigma = minSigma + maxDelta

} else {

maxAmpl = minAmpl + maxDelta


nr = 200

nc = 200

ampls = seq( minAmpl, maxAmpl, length.out=nc )

sigmas = seq( minSigma, maxSigma, length.out=nr )

z = getGaussErrorGrid( meanGaussSsdErr, ampls, sigmas, x, y )

xLim1 = minAmpl

xLim2 = maxAmpl

yLim1 = minSigma

yLim2 = maxSigma

plotTitle = ""

if ( !drawGradVecs ) {

plotTitle = sprintf( "1D Gaussian Cost Function Contours\nTrue Model: Amplitude = %.1f  Sigma = %.1f (noise added)", a, s )

} else if ( normGradVecs ) {

plotTitle = sprintf( "1D Gaussian Cost Function Contours w/Gradient (Unit) Vectors\nTrue Model: Amplitude = %.1f  Sigma = %.1f (noise added)", a, s )

} else {

plotTitle = sprintf( "1D Gaussian Cost Function Contours w/Gradient Vectors\nTrue Model: Amplitude = %.1f  Sigma = %.1f (noise added)", a, s )


if ( customTitle != "" )

plotTitle = customTitle

xform = contour( ampls, sigmas, t(z), axes=FALSE, cex.lab=lf, main=plotTitle, asp=1.0,

xlab="", ylab="", labcex=1.2, nlevels=nLevels, cex.main=1.3*fontScale, cex.axis=1.3 )

xAxisMin = ceiling( gpl()$xLim[1] )

xAxisMax = floor( gpl()$xLim[2] )

yAxisMin = ceiling( gpl()$yLim[1] )

yAxisMax = floor( gpl()$yLim[2] )

axis( side=1, at=xAxisMin:xAxisMax, cex.axis=1.3 )

axis( side=2, at=yAxisMin:yAxisMax, cex.axis=1.3 )

addAxisLabels( xLabel="Amplitude", yLabel="Sigma" )


xLimits = axisLimits( x )

yLimits = axisLimits( y )

lines( c(-1,12), c( s, s ), col="blue", lwd=lw )

lines( c( a, a), c(-1,10), col="blue", lwd=lw )

if ( drawGradVecs ) {

gradPtsX1 = c()

gradPtsY1 = c()

gradPtsX2 = c()

gradPtsY2 = c()


for ( sigma in seq( from=sigmas[2], to=sigmas[length(sigmas)-1], length=gridSize ) ) {

for ( ampl in seq( from=ampls[2], to=ampls[length(ampls)-1], length=gridSize ) ) {

gradPtsX1[length(gradPtsX1)+1] = ampl

gradPtsY1[length(gradPtsY1)+1] = sigma

da = gaussDeDa( x, y, ampl, sigma )

ds = gaussDeDs( x, y, ampl, sigma )

mag = sqrt( da*da + ds*ds )

if ( normGradVecs ) {

da = da/mag/4 # hard-coded case-specific scale factor, unit vecs a bit too long for plot

ds = ds/mag/4

} else {

da = da * 0.22 # hard-coded case-specific scale factor

ds = ds * 0.22


gradPtsX2[length(gradPtsX2)+1] = ampl  - da

gradPtsY2[length(gradPtsY2)+1] = sigma - ds



points( gradPtsX1, gradPtsY1, col="blue", lwd=lw )

arrows( gradPtsX1, gradPtsY1, gradPtsX2, gradPtsY2, col="blue", lwd=lw, cex=medPts, angle=15, length=0.125 )



### 1D Gaussian

gauss1dFunc = function( x, a, sigma ) {

return( a * exp( -0.5 * (x/sigma)^2 ) )


### Analytical/exact partial derivative of error/cost function wrt Amplitude

gaussDeDa = function( x, y, a, sigma ) {

term1 = sum( gauss1dFunc(x, a, sigma) * exp( -0.5 * (x/sigma)^2) )

term2 = sum( y * exp( -0.5 * (x/sigma)^2) )

return( 2 * ( term1 - term2 )/length(x) )


### Analytical/exact partial derivative of error/cost function wrt Sigma

gaussDeDs = function( x, y, a, sigma ) {

v = 2*a/sigma^3

term1 = sum( gauss1dFunc(x, a, sigma) * x^2 * exp( -0.5 * (x/sigma)^2) )

term2 = sum( x^2 * y * exp( -0.5 * (x/sigma)^2) )

return( v * ( term1 - term2 )/length(x) )


### Gaussian error/cost function - SSD

meanGaussSsdErr = function( x, y, a, sigma ) {

return( (1/length(x)) * sum( (gauss1dFunc( x, a, sigma ) - y)^2 ) )


### Compute mean SSD Gaussian cost function over a grid of Amplitude and Sigma values

### Note: returned matrix may need to be transposed for some functions such as contour()

### TODO: Try to use outer()

getGaussErrorGrid = function( errorFunc, ampls, sigmas, x, y ) {

nr = length( sigmas )

nc = length( ampls )

z = matrix( nrow=nr, ncol=nc )

for ( row in 1:nr ) {     # loop over y-coordinates (sigma)

sigma = sigmas[row]

for ( col in 1:nc ) { # loop over x-coordinates (amplitude)

ampl = ampls[col]

z[row, col] = errorFunc( x, y, a=ampl, sigma=sigma )



return( z )


### Get Plot Limits : gpl()$xLim[1] --> left x-coord

gpl = function() {

u = par( "usr" )

return( list( xLim=u[1:2], yLim=u[3:4] ) )


### Compute plot axis limits to fit range of data

axisLimits = function( v, margin=0 ) {

lowerLimit = floor( min(v) ) - margin

upperLimit = ceiling( max(v) ) + margin

c( lowerLimit, upperLimit )


### Convience method to add x/y axis labels

addAxisLabels = function( xLabel="x", yLabel="y", cexVal=1.3 ) {

mtext( text=xLabel, side=1, line=2.5, cex=cexVal )

mtext( text=yLabel, side=2, line=2.5, cex=cexVal )


### Save to PNG file, specify width and height

savePngVerbose = function( path, plotFunc, w=512, h=512, un="px", doCopyright=TRUE, ... ) {

png( filename = path, type="cairo", units=un, width=w, height=h, pointsize=12, res=96 )

plotFunc( ... )

if ( doCopyright )



### Add copyright notice to plot via text()

addCopyright = function() {

mtext( "Copyright \uA9 2019 Richard Creamer - All Rights Reserved", side=4, line=0, adj=0, cex=1.1 )

mtext( "Email:", side=4, line=1, adj=0, cex=1.1 )

