Plot 06
### Copyright (c) Richard Creamer 2019 - All Rights Reserved
### Inquiries: email
### Globals
fontScale = 1.2 # Global font size variable
lf = 1.2 # Enlarge font of plot labels
verbose = FALSE # Verbose printing
lw = 2 # Line width
xMargin = 1 # X-axis margin for plots
yMargin = 1 # Y-axis margin for plots
de = 0.01 # Small constant for estimating derivatives numerically
smlPts = 1 # Small data point/circle
medPts = 1.5 # Medium data point/circle
lrgPts = 2.0 # Large data point/circle
### Run this function to generate this plot
runFunc = function() {
dw = 1000
dh = 750
path = "D:/Code/R/LeastSquaresPlay/PlotsAndAssocCode/Plot6/"
savePngVerbose( paste(path, "Plot6.png", sep=""),
plotNthOrderPolyToLinearData, w=dw, h=dw, un="px", N=11, doPlot=TRUE, nPts=15 )
### Fit Nth order polynomial to linear data
plotNthOrderPolyToLinearData = function( nPts=15, N=1, modelM=1.3, modelB=2.7, noiseSigma=1.5, doPlot=FALSE ) {
set.seed( 3 )
if ( N < 1 || N > 11 ) { print( sprintf( "Error: N (%d) outside range 1:11", N) ); return() }
if ( nPts < (N + 1) ) { print( sprintf( "Error: nPts (%d) must be > N (%d)", nPts, N ) ); return() }
coeff = c( modelB, modelM )
x = 1:nPts
y = evalPoly( x, coeff ) + rnorm( length(x), sd=noiseSigma )
# Build appropriate formula, example: "y ~ x + I(x^2) + I(x^3) + ..."
polyFormula = makePolyFormula( polyOrder=N )
lmFit = lm( as.formula(polyFormula) )
e = compPolyFitError( x, y, lmFit$coefficients )
if ( doPlot ) {
plotTitle = sprintf( "Fit Polynomial of Order %d to Linear Data\nNoise Added", N );
plot( x, y, cex.lab=lf, xlab="", ylab="", main=plotTitle, cex=lrgPts, lwd=lw+1, cex.main=1.3*fontScale )
leftX = gpl()$xLim[1]
rightX = gpl()$xLim[2]
predX = seq( leftX, rightX, length.out=200 )
predY = evalPoly( predX, lmFit$coefficients )
lines( predX, predY, col=4, lwd=lw )
segments( x, y, x, predict(lmFit), col = "red", lwd=lw ) # Note: predict(lmFit) same as evalPoly(x, lmFit$coefficients)
if ( N > 9 ) {
addLegend( coeff, lmFit$coefficients, meanAbsErr=e$meanAbsError, meanSsdErr=e$meanSsdError, wrapLimit=4 )
else {
addLegend( coeff, lmFit$coefficients, meanAbsErr=e$meanAbsError, meanSsdErr=e$meanSsdError )
return( list(nPts=nPts, x=x, y=y, lmFit=lmFit, meanAbsErr=e$meanAbsError, meanSsdErr=e$meanSsdError) )
### Get Plot Limits : gpl()$xLim[1] --> left x-coord
gpl = function() {
u = par( "usr" )
return( list( xLim=u[1:2], yLim=u[3:4] ) )
### Return string suitable for plot titles with actual exponents (not '^')
### Examples: [ "1.23", "1.23-2.21x", "1.23-2.21x+4.98x^2" ]
prettyPoly = function( coeff, nSigFigs=3, wrapLimit=3 ) {
rc = signif( coeff, nSigFigs )
numTerms = length( coeff )
terms = c()
for ( termNum in 1:numTerms ) {
if ( termNum == 1 ) {
s = paste( rc[termNum], sep="" )
} else {
s = paste( abs(rc[termNum]), sep="" )
if ( termNum > 1 )
s = paste( s, "*x", sep="" )
if ( termNum > 2 )
s = paste( s, "^", (termNum-1), sep="" )
terms[ length(terms) + 1 ] = s
wrapLines = list()
catStr = ""
for ( termNum in 1:numTerms ) {
if ( termNum > 1 && ( termNum - 1 ) %% wrapLimit == 0 ) {
wrapLines[length(wrapLines) + 1] = catStr
catStr = ""
if ( termNum == 1 ) {
catStr = paste( catStr, terms[termNum], sep="" )
} else {
if ( rc[termNum] < 0 ) {
catStr = paste( catStr, " - ", terms[termNum], sep="" )
} else {
catStr = paste( catStr, " + ", terms[termNum], sep="" )
if ( catStr != "" )
wrapLines[length(wrapLines) + 1] = catStr
return( wrapLines )
### Convience method to add x/y axis labels
addAxisLabels = function( xLabel="x", yLabel="y", cexVal=1.3 ) {
mtext( text=xLabel, side=1, line=2.5, cex=cexVal )
mtext( text=yLabel, side=2, line=2.5, cex=cexVal )
### Add a legend to a plot suitable for this deck's polynomials/purpose
addLegend = function( coeff, fitCoeff, meanAbsErr=NULL, meanSsdErr=NULL, fontSz=1.35*fontScale, pos="topleft", wrapLimit=5 ) {
legList = list()
# Generate and append legend text lines for 'true model'
truePolyStrList = prettyPoly( coeff, nSigFigs=3, wrapLimit=wrapLimit )
legList[1] = paste( "'True model': y ==", truePolyStrList[1], sep="" )
if ( length( truePolyStrList ) > 1 ) {
for ( i in 2:length( truePolyStrList ) ) {
legList[length(legList)+1] = paste( "' '", truePolyStrList[i], sep="" )
# Generate and append legend text lines for 'fitted model'
fitPolyStrList = prettyPoly( fitCoeff, nSigFigs=3, wrapLimit=wrapLimit )
legList[length(legList) + 1] = paste( "'Fitted model': y ==", fitPolyStrList[1], sep="" )
if ( length( fitPolyStrList ) > 1 ) {
for ( i in 2:length( fitPolyStrList ) ) {
legList[length(legList)+1] = paste( "' '", fitPolyStrList[i], sep="" )
if ( !is.null(meanAbsErr) ) {
legError = paste( "'Mean ABS Error': ", sprintf( "%.2f", meanAbsErr ), sep="" )
legList[ length( legList ) + 1 ] = legError
if ( !is.null(meanSsdErr) ) {
legError = paste( "'Mean SSD Error': ", sprintf( "%.2f", meanSsdErr ), sep="" )
legList[ length( legList ) + 1 ] = legError
legend( pos, bty="n",inset=c(0.005,0.01),
legend=parse(text=legList), col=c("transparent","transparent"),
cex=fontSz, pch=15, y.intersp=1.1 )
# Compute errors, ABS and SSD, return tuple
compPolyFitError = function( x, y, coeff ) {
predY = evalPoly( x, coeff )
meanAbsError = (1/length(x)) * sum( abs(predY - y) )
meanSsdError = (1/length(x)) * sum( (predY - y)^2 )
return( list( meanAbsError=meanAbsError, meanSsdError=meanSsdError ) )
# Build Nth order polynomial formula string
makePolyFormula = function( indepVar="x", depVar="y", polyOrder=1 ) {
formulaStr = paste( depVar, " ~ ", indepVar, sep="" )
if ( polyOrder > 1 ) {
for ( i in 2:polyOrder )
formulaStr = paste( formulaStr, " + I(", indepVar, "^", i, ")", sep="" )
return( formulaStr )
### Compute f(x) for a polynomial and a vector of x-coordinates
evalPoly = function( x, coeff ) {
if ( length( coeff ) < 1 ) return( c(0) )
termSum = 0
for ( i in 1:length(coeff) ) {
termSum = termSum + coeff[i] * x^(i-1)
return( termSum )
### Save to PNG file, specify width and height
savePngVerbose = function( path, plotFunc, w=512, h=512, un="px", doCopyright=TRUE, ... ) {
png( filename = path, type="cairo", units=un, width=w, height=h, pointsize=12, res=96 )
plotFunc( ... )
if ( doCopyright )
### Add copyright notice to plot via text()
addCopyright = function() {
mtext( "Copyright \uA9 2019 Richard Creamer - All Rights Reserved", side=4, line=0, adj=0, cex=1.1 )
mtext( "Email:", side=4, line=1, adj=0, cex=1.1 )