Plot 22
### Copyright (c) Richard Creamer 2019 - All Rights Reserved
### Inquiries: email
### Globals
fontScale = 1.2 # Global font size variable
lf = 1.2 # Enlarge font of plot labels
verbose = FALSE # Verbose printing
lw = 2 # Line width
xMargin = 1 # X-axis margin for plots
yMargin = 1 # Y-axis margin for plots
de = 0.01 # Small constant for estimating derivatives numerically
smlPts = 1 # Small data point/circle
medPts = 1.5 # Medium data point/circle
lrgPts = 2.0 # Large data point/circle
### Run this function to generate this plot
runFunc = function() {
dw = 1000
dh = 750
path = "D:/Code/R/LeastSquaresPlay/PlotsAndAssocCode/Plot22/"
f = fitLineGradientDescentVsOthers
numPts = 50; width=1200; height = 1200
subTitle = "Various Learn Rates"
savePngVerbose( paste( path, "Plot22.png", sep="" ), f, w=width, h=height, un="px", nIter=20, learnRate=0.05, nPts=numPts, subTitle=subTitle )
### Use Gradient Descent and other methods to fit a line to data
fitLineGradientDescentVsOthers = function( nIter=100, learnRate=.01, nPts=10, drawContourPlot=FALSE, subTitle="" ) {
set.seed( 3 )
lmColor = "blue"
exactDerivGdColor = "red"
numDerivGdColor = "green3"
trueM = 1
trueB = 1
coeff = c( trueB, trueM )
x = seq( from=0, to=1, length=nPts )
y = trueM * x + trueB + rnorm( length(x), sd=0.05 )
xLimits = axisLimits( x )
yLimits = axisLimits( y )
guesses = list( yInt=1.5, slope=2 )
bEst = guesses$yInt
mEst = guesses$slope
bEstNum = guesses$yInt
mEstNum = guesses$slope
dm = 0
db = 0
histM = c( mEst )
histB = c( bEst )
numHistM = c( mEst )
numHistB = c( bEst )
# Gradient descent iteration using analytic and numeric derivatives
for ( i in 1:nIter ) {
# Analytic derivatives
dm = meanLineDeDm( x, y, mEst, bEst )
db = meanLineDeDb( x, y, mEst, bEst )
mEst = mEst - learnRate * dm
bEst = bEst - learnRate * db
histM[length(histM)+1] = mEst
histB[length(histB)+1] = bEst
# Numerica estimates of derivatives
dmNum = lineDeDmNum( x, y, mEstNum, bEstNum ) # numerically estimated derivatives
dbNum = lineDeDbNum( x, y, mEst, bEstNum )
mEstNum = mEstNum - learnRate * dmNum
bEstNum = bEstNum - learnRate * dbNum
numHistM[length(numHistM)+1] = mEstNum
numHistB[length(numHistB)+1] = bEstNum
defTitle = "Fit a Line: Gradient Descent vs. Other Methods"
plotTitle = if ( subTitle != "" ) sprintf( "%s\n%s", defTitle, subTitle ) else defTitle
plot( x, y, main=plotTitle, cex=medPts,
xlab="", ylab="", lwd=lw+1, cex.main=1.3*fontScale, cex.axis=1.3 )
addAxisLabels( "x", "y" )
# Now employ other methods to fit line
ne = normalEq( x, y ) # 1) Normal Equation
kr = fitLineKramersRule( x, y ) # 2) Solve linear system via Kramer's Rule
lmFit = lm( y ~ x ) # 3) Built-in lm() function
lmB = lmFit$coefficients[1]
lmM = lmFit$coefficients[2]
lmMeanAbsErr = (1/length(x))*sum( abs( lmFit$residuals ) )
abline( bEst, mEst, col=exactDerivGdColor, lwd=lw+1, lty=4 )
abline( bEstNum, mEstNum, col=numDerivGdColor, lwd=lw+1, lty=2 )
abline( lmB, lmM, col=lmColor, lwd=lw+1, lty=3 )
adMeanAbsErr = meanLineAbsErr( x, y, mEst, bEst)
ndMeanAbsErr = meanLineAbsErr( x, y, mEstNum, bEstNum)
krMeanAbsErr = meanLineAbsErr( x, y, kr$m, kr$b )
neMeanAbsErr = meanLineAbsErr( x, y, ne[2], ne[1] )
if ( verbose ) {
print( sprintf( "Run params:" ) )
print( sprintf( " trueM = %.2f", trueM ) )
print( sprintf( " trueB = %.2f", trueB ) )
print( sprintf( " guessB = %.2f", guesses$yInt ) )
print( sprintf( " guessM = %.2f", guesses$slope ) )
print( sprintf( " nPts = %d", nPts ) )
print( sprintf( " learnRate = %.4f", learnRate ) )
print( sprintf( " nIter = %d", nIter ) )
print( "Results:" )
print( sprintf( " True Model (noise added): slope = %.3f yInt = %.3f", trueM, trueB ) )
print( sprintf( " Analytic Derivs: slope = %.3f yInt = %.3f Mean ABS Error = %.3f", mEst, bEst, adMeanAbsErr ) )
print( sprintf( " Numeric Derivs: slope = %.3f yInt = %.3f Mean ABS Error = %.3f", mEstNum, bEstNum, ndMeanAbsErr ) )
print( sprintf( " Kramer's Rule: slope = %.3f yInt = %.3f Mean ABS Error = %.3f", kr$b, kr$m, krMeanAbsErr ) )
print( sprintf( " R lm(): slope = %.3f yInt = %.3f Mean ABS Error = %.3f", lmB, lmM, lmMeanAbsErr ) )
print( sprintf( " Normal Equation: slope = %.3f yInt = %.3f Mean ABS Error = %.3f", ne[1], ne[2], neMeanAbsErr ) )
parSave = par( family="mono", font=2 )
legText = c( sprintf( "Grad Desc Analytic Derivs: Mean ABS Err = %.4f", adMeanAbsErr ),
sprintf( "Grad Desc Numeric Derivs: Mean ABS Err = %.4f", ndMeanAbsErr ),
sprintf( "R lm(): Mean ABS Err = %.4f", lmMeanAbsErr ),
sprintf( "Normal Equation: Mean ABS Err = %.4f", neMeanAbsErr ),
sprintf( "Kramer's Rule: Mean ABS Err = %.4f", krMeanAbsErr ),
sprintf( "True/Model Slope: = %.2f", trueM ),
sprintf( "True/Model y-Int: = %.2f", trueB ),
sprintf( "lm() Slope: = %.2f", lmM ),
sprintf( "lm() y-Int: = %.2f", lmB ),
sprintf( "Grad Desc Slope = %.2f", mEst ),
sprintf( "Grad Desc y-Int = %.2f", bEst ),
sprintf( "# Iterations = %d", nIter ),
sprintf( "# Points = %d", nPts ),
sprintf( "Learn Rate = %.3f", learnRate ) )
legClrs = c( exactDerivGdColor, numDerivGdColor, lmColor, "transparent", "transparent", "transparent",
"transparent", lmColor, lmColor, exactDerivGdColor, exactDerivGdColor, "transparent", "transparent", "transparent" )
legLtys = c( 4, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0 )
legend( "topleft", legend=legText, col=legClrs, lty=legLtys, lwd=lw, inset = c(0.0,0.0),
bg="transparent", box.col="transparent", cex=1.2*fontScale, text.font=2 )
par( parSave ) # Restore prior font
if ( drawContourPlot )
plotLineGradDescParamTrails( x, y, meanLineSsdErr, trueM, trueB, numHistM, numHistB,
takeSqrtError=FALSE, nIter=nIter, meanAbsFitError=adMeanAbsErr )
### Slightly more reusable cost function plot + parameter evolution trails
### y-intercept maps to x-axis, slope maps to y-axis
plotLineGradDescParamTrails = function( x, y, errorFunc, modelM, modelB, histM, histB, takeSqrtError=TRUE, nIter, meanAbsFitError ) {
nc = 200
nr = 200
# Make contour plot region slightly larger than M and B parameter trails
minM = min( histM ) * 0.8
maxM = max( histM ) * 1.2
minB = min( histB ) * 0.8
maxB = max( histB ) * 1.2
# Adjust these limits so that ***if plot is square*** the trails are perpendicular to contour lines
deltaM = maxM - minM
deltaB = maxB - minB
gap = abs( deltaM - deltaB )
if ( deltaM > deltaB ) {
minB = minB - gap/2
maxB = maxB + gap/2
} else {
minM = minM - gap/2
maxM = maxM + gap/2
# Generate cost function sampling x and y coordinates
intercepts = seq( minB, maxB, length.out=nc )
slopes = seq( minM, maxM, length.out=nr )
# Fill z 2D matrix with const function values for (y-intercept, slope) x,y pairs
z = getLineErrorGrid( errorFunc, slopes, intercepts, x, y )
if ( takeSqrtError )
z = sqrt( z )
# Create contour plot
xLim = c( min(intercepts), max(intercepts) )
yLim = c( min(slopes), max(slopes) )
plotTitle = sprintf( "Fit Line using Gradient Descent\nCost Function Contours with Parameter Convergence Trail" )
tz = t( z ) # contour() wants z first dim -> x-axis and second dim -> y-axis
contour( intercepts, slopes, tz, main=plotTitle, xlim=xLim, ylim=yLim, cex.lab=lf,
cex.main=1.3*fontScale, cex=1.3*fontScale, lwd=lw,
nlevels=50, labcex=1.3, xlab="", ylab="", cex.axis=1.3 )
addAxisLabels( "y-Intercept", "Slope", cexVal=1.5 )
# Draw 'true' model (y-intercept, slope) crosshairs
# Final converged gradient desccent params will != 'true' m and be because rand error added to model
pl = gpl()
lines( c( pl$xLim[1], pl$xLim[2] ), c( modelM, modelM ), col="blue", lwd=lw ) # Draw crosshair @ (b,m)
lines( c( modelB, modelB ), c( pl$yLim[1], pl$yLim[2] ), col="blue", lwd=lw )
for ( i in 2:length(histB) )
arrows( histB[i-1], histM[i-1], histB[i], histM[i], col="red", lwd=lw, length=0.16, angle=17 )
# Draw start/end point (initial guess + final converged params)
x1 = histB[1]; y1 = histM[1]
x2 = histB[length(histB)]; y2 = histM[length(histM)]
points( c(x1), c(y1), col="red", lwd=lw+1, cex=2 )
points( c(x2), c(y2), col="red", lwd=lw+1, cex=2 )
shift = 0.03
text( x1 + shift, y1 + shift, sprintf( "(%.1f, %.1f)", x1, y1 ), cex=fontScale, adj=0, col="red" )
text( x2 + shift, y2 + 0, sprintf( "(%.3f, %.3f)", x2, y2 ), cex=fontScale, adj=0, col="red" )
lt1 = sprintf( "True model: slope = %.1f y-int = %.1f", modelM, modelB )
lt2 = "Convergence trail from init guesses"
lt3 = sprintf( "# Iterations = %d", nIter )
lt4 = sprintf( "Mean ABS Error = %.3f", meanAbsFitError )
legText = c( lt1, lt2, lt3, lt4 )
legClrs = c( "blue", "red", "transparent", "transparent" )
# Below some hard-coded values for example
legend( "topleft", legend=legText, col=legClrs, lwd=lw, cex=fontScale*1.2, inset=c(0.01,0.01) )
### Compute line fit cost function value over grid of slopes and intercepts
### errorFunc = the specific cost function
### Note: returned matrix may need to be transposed for some functions such as contour()
getLineErrorGrid = function( errorFunc, slopes, intercepts, x, y ) {
nr = length( slopes )
nc = length( intercepts )
z = matrix( nrow=nr, ncol=nc )
for ( row in 1:nr ) { # loop over y-coordinates (slopes)
slope = slopes[row]
for ( col in 1:nc ) { # loop over x-coordinates (y-intercepts)
yInt = intercepts[col]
z[row, col] = errorFunc( x, y, slope=slope, yInt=yInt )
return( z )
### Line fit error function
meanLineSsdErr = function( x, y, slope, yInt ) {
return( (1/length(x)) * sum( ( yInt + slope*x - y )^2 ) )
### Line fit error function: abs() not diff^2
meanLineAbsErr = function( x, y, slope, yInt ) {
return( (1/length(x)) * sum( abs( yInt + slope*x - y ) ) )
### Line fit cost function derivative wrt y-intercept
meanLineDeDb = function( x, y, m, b ) {
return( (1/length(x))*2*sum( (m*x + b) - y ) )
### Line fit cost function derivative wrt slope
meanLineDeDm = function( x, y, m, b ) {
return( (1/length(x))*2*sum( ( (m*x + b) - y ) * x ) )
### Add copyright notice to plot via text()
addCopyright = function() {
mtext( "Copyright \uA9 2019 Richard Creamer - All Rights Reserved", side=4, line=0, adj=0, cex=1.1 )
mtext( "Email:", side=4, line=1, adj=0, cex=1.1 )
### Compute partial derivative of 1D line fit cost function wrt slope
lineDeDmNum = function( x, y, slope, yInt ) {
delta = 0.0000001
e1 = meanLineSsdErr( x, y, slope, yInt )
e2 = meanLineSsdErr( x, y, slope + delta, yInt )
return ( (e2 - e1)/delta )
### Compute partial derivative of 1D line fit cost function wrt slope
lineDeDbNum = function( x, y, slope, yInt ) {
delta = 0.0000001
e1 = meanLineSsdErr( x, y, slope, yInt )
e2 = meanLineSsdErr( x, y, slope, yInt + delta )
return ( (e2 - e1)/delta )
### Fit line via linear system of equations + Kramer's rule
fitLineKramersRule = function( x, y ) {
n = length(x)
d = n * sum(x^2) - (sum(x))^2
b = (1/d) * ( sum(y) * sum(x^2) - sum(x) * sum(x*y) )
m = (1/d) * ( n * sum(x*y) - sum(x) * sum(y) )
return( list( b=b, m=m ) )
### Linear regression using Normal Equation; works for 1+ sample features
normalEq = function( x, y ) {
X = cbind( 1, x ) # cbind() = 'column bind': create matrix: prepend col of 1's to x
return( solve( t(X) %*% X ) %*% t(X) %*% y )
### Get Plot Limits : gpl()$xLim[1] --> left x-coord
gpl = function() {
u = par( "usr" )
return( list( xLim=u[1:2], yLim=u[3:4] ) )
### Compute plot axis limits to fit range of data
axisLimits = function( v, margin=0 ) {
lowerLimit = floor( min(v) ) - margin
upperLimit = ceiling( max(v) ) + margin
c( lowerLimit, upperLimit )
### Convience method to add x/y axis labels
addAxisLabels = function( xLabel="x", yLabel="y", cexVal=1.3 ) {
mtext( text=xLabel, side=1, line=2.5, cex=cexVal )
mtext( text=yLabel, side=2, line=2.5, cex=cexVal )
### Save to PNG file, specify width and height
savePngVerbose = function( path, plotFunc, w=512, h=512, un="px", doCopyright=TRUE, ... ) {
png( filename = path, type="cairo", units=un, width=w, height=h, pointsize=12, res=96 )
plotFunc( ... )
if ( doCopyright )
### Add copyright notice to plot via text()
addCopyright = function() {
mtext( "Copyright \uA9 2019 Richard Creamer - All Rights Reserved", side=4, line=0, adj=0, cex=1.1 )
mtext( "Email:", side=4, line=1, adj=0, cex=1.1 )