Who we are

The Research Committee

RC52 Sociology of Professional Groups is a research committee of the International Sociological Association (ISA). Its main aims are to establish contacts and encourage cooperation among scholars, and to promote the exchange of research findings in the field of sociology of occupational and professional groups throughout the world.

For further information and all official statements, please, visit the ISA RC52 website and the ISA RC52 blog, and do not forget to register your e-mail address on the blog to receive the ISA RC52 newsletter and receive notifications of new posts via e-mail.

The Board

President: Tracey L Adams, Western University, Canada, tladams@uwo.ca

Vice-President: Lara Maestripieri, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, lara.maestripieri@uab.cat

Secretary-Treasurer: Andrea Bellini, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, andrea.bellini@uniroma1.it

Board Members: Jean-Luc Bédard (Université TÉLUQ), Nancy Côté (l’Université Laval), Mike Dent (Staffordshire University), Maria da Glória Bonelli (Universidade Federal de São Carlos), Masayo Fujimoto (Doshisha University), Stefano Neri (University of Milan)

Local organizer

Andrea Bellini, is Senior Lecturer in Sociology of Economic and Labor Processes at the Department of Social and Economic Sciences (DiSSE) of Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. His research interests lie at the intersection of the sociology of professions and industrial relations. He carried out research activity on the legal profession in Italy.

Organizing committee

Andrea Bellini, Maria Grazia Galantino, Silvia Lucciarini, Giulio Moini, Giuseppe Ricotta (Sapienza University of Rome), Tracey L. Adams (Western University), Lara Maestripieri (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)


Silvia De Nardis, Giorgio Giovanelli, Emanuele Nebbia Colomba, Sharon Piscitelli (Sapienza University of Rome)