
The conference venue

All the activities of the RC52 Interim Meeting will take place in Via Salaria 113 (find it on Google Maps).

Via Salaria 113

The RC52 Interim Meeting 2024 will take place at the Department of Social Sciences and Economics (DiSSE) of Sapienza University of Rome. The Department is conveniently located at Via Salaria 113, in the Salario district, in the city's northern centre. It is approximately a 15-minute walk from Termini railway station.

Via Salaria 113 has historical significance as the former site of Sapienza's Faculty of Sociology, now integrated into the Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, and Communication. This venue offers a range of academic programs, including undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral courses.

The facility includes a single building that houses the Department's administrative offices, classrooms, laboratories, a library, a reading room, and the Sapienza Conference Centre.

The Sapienza Conference Centre

The Sapienza Conference Centre will be the reference point and the heart of the RC52 Interim Meeting. The reception desk for participants will be located in the lobby. In the bar area, coffee breaks, lunches, and the welcome cocktail will take place. The main hall will host the plenary sessions.

For further details, visit the Sapienza Conference Centre's web page. 

The rooms for the parallel sessions

[Ground floor] Aula Alfa

[Ground floor] Aula Portico

[2nd floor] Aula C2

[2nd floor] Aula C3

Coffee breaks, lunches, and welcome cocktail

[Ground floor] Sapienza Conference Centre’s atrium and bar area 

The conference dinner

The conference dinner will be hosted by the Casa dell’Aviatore (see the website), the armed officers club of the Italian Air Force, as a partner of Sapienza University of Rome.

The club is located at Via dell’Università 20, near the main campus of Sapienza, very close to Termini Station, a 25-minute walk from the conference venue, at Via Salaria 113.

Please note that the club enforces a dress code which requires casual but modest attire (jeans, ripped jeans, shorts, or sandals are not allowed).