S5. Professions and collectives in times of turbulence


The session focuses on the place and the contribution of the collective in the professional worlds. Professional work is accomplished by collectives inside organizations, such as deontology (Freidson, Dejours). Professional work includes also collectives of cooperation (Sennet, Fisbach) and collectives of collaboration (Adams). These capabilities concern today social and educational works, environmental and civic works in debureaucratized domains, where collectives are developed inside and outside organizations (Verpraet). The cooperation is dispatched between multiple social networks (Latour). They configurate multiple assemblage with specific style of cooperation and coordinated expertise (Delanda, Eder Vass).

The first question intends to specify the function of these collectives in professional tasks: defensive collective, collective of deontology –collective of mobilization, collective of cooperation.

The second question specifies the dynamics of professional cooperation in these networks of extended assemblage and linked professionalism facing dynamic of turbulence.

The third question concerns the professional contributions by networks of linked cooperations (specialization, mediation, guidance, coordination). What are the social conditions and the grounded domains in which these cooperative professionalisms are developed (health, education, environment)? How do they negotiate with the competitive professionalism on international service networks? Do they enrich the typology of professionalism?


Gilles Verpraet, Sophiapol Université Paris Nanterre, GVerp2015@gmail.com.

Brief bio

Gilles Verpraet has worked on secondary teacher and city professions, on critics of professionalism (Economia e Lavoro 2003), and on cooperative work and educational mediations supporting environmental transition. His latest publications include: Environmental solidarities between local solidarities and transnational solidarities (Bilbao, 2019); Constellation and configuration in the post covid societies (The European Sociologist, 49/September 2023).