S2. Professions in times of artificial intelligenceĀ 


In the face of rapid technological advancements, global connectivity, shifting societal norms, and poly-crisis, the study of professions has never been more crucial. At the same time, new technologies, in particular artificial intelligence, force their way into contemporary societies, questioning traditional understandings of knowledge and knowledge-production. Obviously, professions are drivers of these developments as they are driven, challenged, and transformed. The session will focus on the relationship between professionalism and AI on a theoretical as well as an empirical level. What impact has AI had on professional work? How far has the knowledge-power nexus been transformed by new technologies? Which professions are winning or losing in light of these changes?


Nina Weimann-Sandig, EHS Dresden, nina.weimann-sandig@ehs-dresden.de

Christiane Schnell, Universities of Frankfurt/Dortmund, ch.schnell@em.uni-frankfurt.de

Brief bios

Nina Weimann-Sandig is a professor for sociology and empirical social research as well as the head of higher didactics at the University of Applied Sciences for Social Work, Education and Nursing, Dresden, Germany. She is a member of the ESA Sociology of Professions Board.

Christiane Schnell is senior-researcher at the Institute of Social Research at the University of Frankfurt and currenty head of the section Gender & Diversity in Work and Inclusion at the University of Dortmund. She is coordinator of the research network Sociology of Professions within the European Sociological Association (ESA) and speaker of the section Sociology of Professions in the German Sociology Association (DGS).