Teaching & seminars
Teaching at UQ
2024, S2: Differential Geometry MATH3405.
2024, S1: Functional Analysis MATH3402, Advanced Calculus and Linear algebra MATH1071, Special topics course on Riemannian geometry.
2023, S2: Differential Geometry MATH3405.
2023, S1: Functional Analysis MATH3402, Advanced Calculus and Linear algebra MATH1071.
2022, S2: Differential Geometry MATH3405.
2022, S1: Functional Analysis MATH3402.
2022, S1: Special topics course on Riemannian geometry.
2021, S2. Differential Geometry MATH3405.
2021, S1: Special topics course on Riemannian geometry.
2020, S1: Mathematical Analysis MATH2400.
2019, S2: Differential Geometry MATH3405.
2019, S1: Special topics course on Riemannian geometry.
2018, S2: Differential Geometry MATH3405.
Virtual seminar on geometry with symmetries (2020 - now)
Co-organised with Carolyn Gordon and Emilio Lauret, website. We meet fortnightly, rotating times to accommodate different time zones. Check out the schedule.
Mathematics Colloquium at UQ (2020 - now)
Co-organised with Sharon Lee, website.
Pure Mathematics Seminar (2018 - now)
Co-organised with Ole Warnaar. We usually have meetings every other week, and speakers on any topic within pure mathematics are welcome to present their talks to a wide audience. Some past seminars are listed here.
QFT seminar (semester 2, 2019)
During the second semester of 2019 I co-organised the QFT seminar with Masoud Kamgarpour, on Symmetric Spaces.
Reading seminar in Münster
I organised a weekly Reading seminar attended by the members of the Differential Geometry group at WWU Münster. These are the topics we studied in the last semesters:
- SS 2018: Kähler geometry
We followed mainly the well-written notes of Ballmann (link) and covered topics ranging across basic properties, cohomology, formality, Calabi-Yau theorem, line bundles and projective embeddings, and extremal Kähler metrics (for this last topic we followed the book of G. Szekelyhidi).
- WS 2017/18: The splitting theorem in non-smooth context
The idea was to go through the proof, due to N. Gigli (link) of the splitting theorem in the context of metric measure spaces satisfying the Riemannian curvature dimension property RCD(K,N). We based our approach on the original paper as well as on the overview given in this paper. For the preliminaries on metric measure spaces and the CD and RCD conditions we used the book of Villani (there is a free version available here), as well as these lecture notes by Ambrosio and Gigli.
- WS 2016/17: Geometric invariant theory and moment maps
We studied the moment map in the context of group actions on symplectic manifolds, and its relations to Geometric Invariant Theory, following mainly the book of F. Kirwan. We also studied classical invariant theory (using this book) and real GIT based on our article with C. Böhm on the topic.