Here are various things I wrote that might be useful to other people:
Project description for a successful ARC DECRA 2019 fellowship application.
Research statement, used for my job applications in 2017.
Research plan for a successful Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral fellowship application in 2013. The fellowship was held at WWU Münster, and my mentor was Christoph Böhm.
Talk slides
I usually prefer giving blackboard talks, but due to time constraints, I have given a number of beamer talks. Here are the slides for some of them:
"Ricci flow with symmetries", Joint NZMS, AustMS and AMS meeting, Auckland, New Zealand. 9.12.2024.
"Einstein manifolds with symmetry" Mini-course at the 44th Winter School on Geometry and Physics, Srní, 2024. Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3.
"Immortal homogeneous Ricci flows", Informal Geometry Workshop in Paradiso. Cogne, Italy. 22.01.2018.
"The Ricci flow on solvmanifolds", Lie Theory, Geometry, and Differential Equations. Marburg, Germany. 11.10.2017.
"Moment maps and homogeneous Riemannian geometry", V Iberoamerican Meeting on Geometry, Mechanics and Control. La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain. 16.01.2017.
"Einstein and Ricci soliton homogeneous manifolds". Geometry Seminar - Texas A&M University, USA. 25.04.2016.
"Homogeneous Ricci flow: a survey", Mini-workshop on Einstein Metrics, Ricci Solitons and Ricci Flow under Symmetry Assumptions. Oberwolfach, Germany. October 2014.
"Scalar curvature behavior in homogeneous Ricci flows" (in Spanish). Reunion anual de la UMA. Rosario, Argentina. September 2013.