Raju Ramanujan

Prof. Raju V. Ramanujan is Full Professor and Assistant Chair, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He earned his undergraduate and Ph.D. degrees from IIT-Bombay and Carnegie Mellon University (USA), respectively. He is a Fellow of the American Society for Materials, Fellow of the Maharashtra Academy of Sciences and IEEE Senior Member. He has held leadership positions in leading professional societies. He serves/served on the Functional Materials Divisional Council, Magnetic Materials Committee (Chair), Phase Transformations Committee and Awards Committees of TMS (USA). He was the lead organizer of several prestigious international conferences. He was the chair of an IEEE INTERMAG conference and is an IEEE Technical Committee member. Ramanujan serves in an editorial capacity for Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), Nanomedicine, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, Materials Science and Engineering B, and Materials Science and Engineering C. He has received the Nanyang Award for Excellence in Teaching and the Rolls Royce Inventors award. He is a Guest Professor at South China University of Technology, University of North Texas, Indian Institute of Technology-Madras and Mumbai University. He is ranked among the top 1% of researchers worldwide across all fields. His research interests include accelerated materials development and magnetic nanotechnology for sustainability, energy, bio, transducers and Lab-on-a-chip applications. He is also well known for his work on high temperature structural materials.

Project Highlights

Accelerated Materials Development

Structural Materials

Recent Book

Magnetofluidic Cooling

Magnetic Janus Particles


Droplet Merging, Mixing

Self Healing Composites


Pushing Frontiers Article

Pushing Frontier issue 14-MFC.pdf
