
Service Awards / Recognition

Service Outline

My service contribution can be divided into contributions to NTU, professional societies, national agencies and international organizations.

  1. Service to NTU

a) School

Assistant Chair and Director, Masters Programs: one focus is to develop and run the new Masters level courses with the latest pedagogical tools. For example, implementing the ATLAS (adaptive teaching, learning and application system) platform in the online courses entails incorportaing the following elements: (a) dynamic reasoning graph, (b) 3-D visualization of topic based links, (c) transcript matching, (d) data analytics, (e) recommender engines. Operational and other issues have been resolved and these courses are moving along smoothly. The Whole of life and Skills Future related courses are other ongoing activities.

Chair of the faculty reappointment committee, I obtain input from external referees and evaluate internal data related to funding, research productivity, teaching effectiveness and service to provide an assessment as to the likelihood of the faculty obtaining tenure. Their strengths and weakness are identified and delineated in the report.

b) College, University

University teaching council: Assessment of faculty candidates for promotion and tenure. The process involves detailed discussion of their teaching portfolio, student feedback etc. as well as observation of teaching during the lectures and tutorials. The resulting report provides frank feedback to the university regarding the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate.

RISE panel, Grant Review for MOE Tier 3 and other grants, NAP evaluation panel, COE Research Mentorship and consultancy committee: I have served on the university level RISE panel working group, Nanyang Assistant Professor evaluation panel, ranking the large number of applicants to this prestigious program. I have served on several grant review panels at the college, university, national and international level for a variety of funding agencies.

NTU Senate: I was an Elected Senator from 2016 to 2018.

I currently serve on the NTU-Ben Gurion University (Israel) Joint Admissions Committee.

2. Service to Singapore

A*STAR PSF grant review: I served for a number of years on the PSF grant review panel and was selected as chair of one of the subcommittees.

3. Service to International Professional Societies

a) A selected list of key symposium related activities are listed

Chair (Local), Premier international conference on magnetism (INTERMAG), IEEE

Session Chair, Symposium on spintronics and magnetic materials, Symposium on EMI shielding, ICMAT 2017, Singapore.

Organizing Committee, Phase transformations and microstructural evolution, TMS Annual Meeting, USA

Session Chair, Joint MMM-Intermag Conference, San Diego, USA

Co-Chair, Magnetic Materials Symposium, ICMAT, Singapore.

b) Leadership in Professional Societies (Selected)

My service to leading international societies has resulted in my election to leadership positions in the area of magnetic materials. These include technical committees, awards committees and program committees. I serve on the functional materials divisional council of TMS and was past chair, secretary and treasurer of the magnetic materials committee. I served as the local chair of a high successful, large, premier IEEE sponsored international conference, INTERMAG, held in Singapore in 2018.

4. Service to International Grant Review Panels

In the case of the international grant review panels, I have reviewed proposals for US, British, France, Czech, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong and Denmark funding agencies.

5. Service to other universities and Prestigious International Awards

I am an official nominator for the prestigious Japan Prize, with a cash prize of 50 million yen, awarded by the Japan Prize Foundation.

I have served as an external examiner of the Ph.D. theses of candidates from Israel, National University of Singapore and several universities in India. I have provided reference letters for the appointment of faculty at universities in the US (Case Western), promotion to Regents Professor (University of North Texas), Australia (Univ of New South Wales), Saudi Arabia and India (Indian Institute of Science).