Brain and Consciousness

Brain and consciousness are dirctly related. Are interconnected, are on their own ...

Scientists discover hidden patterns of brain activity:

From the article above:

To answer these questions, a team of scientists led by EPFL’s Blue Brain Project used the mathematical language of algebraic topology to describe just how rat neurons connect to each other – and respond to stimuli – providing the first geometrical insight into how information is processed in a rodent brain. The results are published 12 June 2017 in the open-access journal Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience.

"Our previous mathematical approaches struggled to make sense of the activity generated by neurons,”


  • "... Conducting virtual experiments on Blue Brain’s digital reconstruction of a microcircuit in the rat brain, a computer model consisting of 31 000 neurons – and a whopping 8 million connections – all based on physiological data, the scientists discovered and described quantitatively the astonishingly rich geometric organization of neurons, providing a new and powerful tool for understanding the brain. The way neurons network together can actually be described using multi-dimensional mathematical objects. Moreover, these objects respond to external stimuli with a characteristic pattern through time, never before observed.

Neurons are organized according to abstract shapes ..."

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Human Lie Detector EVV pumpouras

The power of Addiction Tedx Sabor Mate:

Ons bewustzijn veranderd voortdurend. Er is geen statische staat van zijn. Het is voortdurend in ontwikkeling. Past zich aan bij diverse invloeden en leert, permanent.

Zo ontstaan, groeien, verschillende stadia van bewustzijn. Bij verschillende natuurvolkeren is dat waken en dromen tegelijk.

Een realiteit die niet is te beschrijven met ons oude denkende en analyserende bewustzijn. Wij hebben te leren hoe daar mee om te gaan en de oneindige creativiteit van het universum te accepteren en daarop te anticiperen.

EcoVrede - Rainbowbrain

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The Philosophy of Potential. There are several absolutes of Natural Thinking. but first, it is a method of setting your mind so you can analyze, understand and clarify information

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