About Me

Hi, my name is Rae Tsai. I was born in Taipei, Taiwan. I am fluent in English and Mandarin. After many years of living in Taiwan and America, I am fortunate to have experienced both Eastern and Western cultures and their educational systems. I see the world through different lenses, which benefits me greatly and enriches my life.

After receiving a master's degree from the University of Maryland, I became a school library media specialist and a volunteer, capacities in which I have served for more than 27 years. Being a National Board Certified educator, I was very skillful in teaching students and supporting teachers and the educational communities. Now I am a Scholars Coach at the Life Coach School.

Since my beloved sister's suicide nearly 30 years ago, I have been searching and learning ways to help people to feel better. This is the main reason I decided to receive training from The Life Coach School! I have learned many valuable coaching skills and tools from the master coach, Brooke Castillo.

I have always had a passion for teaching, learning, and coaching. I tackled the challenges of being a single mother and raising two children. I have been helping many people who were unhappy, divorced, or dealing with difficult issues in life. My hobbies include reading, yoga, meditation, singing, and connecting with nature. My mission in life is to help people manage their minds, emotions, and actions and create their dream lives.



因為教學多年又有國家教師執照,再加上向Brooke Castillo (The Life Coach School) 學習,我學習到很多寶貴的諮商技巧和工具。我曾經單親八年撫養兩個孩子、五年中帶領上百位青少年輔導數百位低收入戶的小學生課業,二十年擔任社區志工,積極參與各種慈善服務,曾經幫助過許多離婚失意和處在困境的人。我希望能夠繼續幫助別人認識自己並過著充實快樂的人生。