권구덕 교수(Kuduck Kwon, Ph. D.)


Kuduck Kwon received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), in Daejeon, Korea, in 2004 and 2009, respectively. His doctoral research concerned digital TV tuners and dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) systems.

From 2009 to 2010, he was a Post-Doctoral Researcher with KAIST, where he studied a surface acoustic wave (SAW)-less receiver and developed RF transceivers for DSRC applications. From 2010 to 2014, he was a Senior Engineer with Samsung Electronics Co. LTD., Suwon, Korea, where he was involved in studying software-defined receiver and developing silicon tuner and cellular RFICs. In 2014, he joined the Department of Electronics Engineering, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Korea, where he is currently a Professor. His research interests include CMOS RF/analog integrated circuits and RF system design for wireless communications.


  • Department of Electronics Engineering (EE)

  • College of Information Technology (IT)

  • Kangwon National University (KNU)

  • (24341) 1 Kangwondaehak-gil, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do, 200-701 Republic of Korea

  • Tel: +82-33-250-6302, Fax: +82-33-259-5675

  • Email: kdkwon at


  • Ph.D in EECS, KAIST .................... Sept. 2009

- Thesis: The Design of the Large Dynamic Range CMOS RF Active Tunable Filter and Baseband Analog Circuitry for the Wide Band UHF Application

  • B.S. in EECS, KAIST .......................Feb. 2004

  • Daegu Science High School ........Feb. 1999

-Finished in 2 years


1. mmWave/RF/Analog IC design

      • Design CMOS mmWave/RF/analog ICs for wireless applications

      • Design receivers for 2G/3G/4G/5G sub-6GHz and mmWave cellular application

      • Design receivers for the 5.8GHz DSRC transceiver

      • Design receivers for universal silicon tuner

      • Analyze system architecture and link budget

      • Study 5G FR2 (mmWave) transceiver

      • Study FEM-less transceiver for future FDD systems

      • Study CMOS duplexer and channel-selection LNA for FEM-less transceiver

      • Study impedance/dielectric spectroscopy IC

      • Study wireless sensor network (IoT RFIC)

      • Study ultra-low-power RF front-end for wide/narrow-band receiver applications

      • Study SAW-less software-defined radio (SDR) receivers

      • Study RF-to-DC converter for ambient RF energy harvesting

2. Fingerprint Recognition System Design

      • Novel fingerprint recognition system in CMOS/BiCMOS process

      • Silicon LED design


  • 2011. 1 – Present: IEEE Senior Member

  • 2014. 1 – Present: IEIE Member / 대한전자공학회 정회원 / 평의원

  • 2018. 1 – Present: ISE (The Institute of Semiconductor Engineers) Member / 반도체공학회 정회원

  • 2018. 2 – Present: KIEE (The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers) Member / 대한전기학회 정회원

  • 2021. 1 – 2022. 12: 대한전자공학회 상임이사

  • 2020. 1 – 2020. 12: 대한전자공학회 이사

  • 2017. 1 – 2019.12: 대한전자공학회 협동이사

  • 2014. 3 – Present: IEEE SSCS Seoul Chapter Member

  • 2018. 7 – Present: IDEC JICAS Editorial Committee Member

  • 2017. 1 – Present: Co-chair in M Sector (RF and Wireless Design) of Korea Conferences on Semiconductors

  • 2015. 1 – Present: Committee Member of IEIE RF/Analog Circuit Workshop

  • 2017. 1 – Present: TPC Member of IEIE/IEEE International SoC conference

  • 2018. 1 – 2019.12: Member in Council of Kangwon National University / 강원대학교 평의원

  • 2018. 3 – 2020. 2: Secretary Professor in IT College of Kangwon National University / IT대학 총무

  • 2009. 9 – Present: Reviewer for IEEE Journals such as JSSC, TMTT, TCAS-I, TCAS-II, ACESS and MWCL

  • 2014. 3 – Present: Reviewer for IEIE journals

  • 2018. 1 – 2018. 12: TPC Member of IEIE Autumn Conference

  • 2017. 1 – 2017. 12: Editorial Committee Member in IEIE Magazine

  • 2018. 1 – 2018. 12: Chair for Publication in 2018 IEIE RF/Analog Circuit Workshop

  • 2015. 1 – 2015. 12: TPC Member in 2015 IEIE RF/Analog Circuit Workshop

Honors and Awards

  • 2020. 12. 14: Beomyu Park, Donguk Shin, and Hyojin Kim received 3rd award in 12th ETNEWS ICT Best Paper Award (Advisor Professor: Kuduck Kwon)

  • 2020. 10. 13: Hyojin Kim and Jaegeun Cho received Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Award in the 21th Korea Semiconductor Design Competition (Advisor Professor: Kuduck Kwon)

  • 2019. 12. 11: Beomyu Park, Myunghun Lee, and Donggu Lee received 3rd award in 11th ETNEWS ICT Best Paper Award (Advisor Professor: Kuduck Kwon)

  • 2019. 9. 26: Beomyu Park and Myunghun Lee received Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy Award and Donggu Lee received ADT Special Award in the 20th Korea Semiconductor Design Competition (Advisor Professor: Kuduck Kwon)

  • 2018. 11. 23: Kanghyun Byun received LG Electronics Award and Best Paper Award in 2018 IEIE Autumn Conference (Advisor Professor: Kuduck Kwon)

  • 2018. 10. 15: Donggu Lee received KIPO(Korean Intellectual Property Office) Commissioner Award in the 19th Korea Semiconductor Design Competition (Advisor Professor: Kuduck Kwon)

  • 2013. 11: Samsung Best Paper Award 2013: Bronze Medal

- Y.T. Lee, K. Kwon et al., " A fully integrated SAW-less multimode multiband CMOS transceiver for 2G/3G/4G mobile application”, currently in mass production (Galaxy S4, Galaxy Zoom and so on)


  • Kangwon National University

- Professor, Dept. of EE......................................... Sept. 2022-Present

- Associate Professor, Dept. of EE......................................... Sept. 2019-Aug. 2022

- Assistant Professor, Dept. of EE.......................................... Mar. 2014-Aug. 2019

Participated in the study of CMOS duplexer and channel-selection LNA for FEM-less transceiver, 5G NR(sub-6GHz and mmWave) transceiver, RFIC for MedRadio applications, ultra-low-power RFIC for IoT applications, and wideband receiver for SDR

  • SAMSUNG Electronics. Co. Ltd.

- Senior Engineer, Modem Team, DMC R&D center.......... Mar. 2010-Feb. 2014

Participated in the development of the SAW-less transceiver for 2G/3G/4G cellular application

Detailed work description:

    1. Developed CMOS SAW-less direct-conversion receiver as a IP leader and designer

    2. Analyzed 2G/3G/4G cellular standards and made system link budget

    3. Designed low-noise amplifier(LNA), passive mixer, and trans-impedance amplifier(TIA)

    4. Developed RFIC is embedded in SAMSUNG smart phone ( Galaxy S4 )


- Post-doctoral Researcher, in EE....................................... Sept. 2009-Feb. 2010

Participated in the study of the SAW-less SDR receiver

Detailed work description:

    1. Studied a RF analog-to-digital converter for the future SDR receiver

    2. Studied a highly linear receiver architecture for the SAW-less SDR receiver


- Intern, Design 3 Team....................................................... Aug. 2008-Aug. 2009

Participated in the development of the 5.8GHz transceiver for DSRC application

Detailed work description:

    1. Developed CMOS 5.8GHz direct-conversion receiver

    2. Analyzed the DSRC standard and made system link budget

    3. Designed RF front-end (LNA, RF IQ generator, IQ mixer), IF poly-phase filter (PPF), IF band-pass filter (BPF), and ASK demodulator in a low-IF conversion receiver for a 5.8GHz DSRC transceiver


- Research Assistant, Wireless PHYCOM Lab ................... Mar. 2004-Aug. 2009

Participated in the development of the receiver for DTV tuner ICs ( funded by LG Electronics Institute of Technology )

Detailed work description:

    1. Developed CMOS wideband direct-conversion receiver for the ATSC terrestrial and cable digital TV standard

    2. Developed low-power wideband RF front-end for the ATSC terrestrial and cable digital TV standard

    3. Designed and measured a wideband LNA, a RF active tracking filter, harmonic rejection mixer, and baseband analog circuitry

Participated in the study on the silicon LED, photodiode, and their feasibility on the integrated fingerprint recognition slim sensor ( funded by KAIST )

Detailed work description:

    1. Proposed the integrated fingerprint recognition system using a silicon LED and silicon photodiode in standard CMOS/BiCMOS process.

    2. Designed and measured a silicon LED.