Movement 101 - Basics & Absolute Essentials

What this covers:

Only the most basic aspects of:

strafe jumping
rocket jumping
air control

Strafe Jumping

Holding [Forward+Left] or [Forward+Right] keys and moving your mouse either Left or Right will gain you speed as you jump.

Note: holding Left means your mouse should also move Left.

Note: holding Right means your mouse should also move Right.

Rocket Jumping

Look Down at the ground jump and fire a rocket.

Remeber to check your health and armor levels before rocket jumping first!

Note: Using ranger you will take less damage from a rocket jump than other characters.

Air Control

Anarki - Sorlag

Strafe jumping mechanics still apply here.

Forward-Only: you may hold forward only and move your mouse in the direction you want to go; remember to keep jumping!

Left/Right: you may also only Right or only Left and move your mouse in that direction. [i.e. a + mouseLeft or d + mouseRight]