Works Related to our PYP

Spanish PYP Theater Script (Guion Teatral)

In spanish, class we wrote a theater script based on a daily life situation based on a daily life situation that people can pass through . This script talks about a girl called Sofia that goes to school and gets bullied by other kids because they thought sofia could not do anything just because she was a woman. At the end, she ends up becoming a famous activist that defends rights all over the world. This helped us developed our ability to see what issues could happen nowadays based on gender. This also provided us with creative and thinking skills for analizing,and finding ways to tell people that men and women are equal.

¿Mi género decide mi vida

Figure 1: Guion Spanish word doc. Note: Acting theater script. Taken by: Sarah Lucas Duran


Figure 2: Essay diana word doc. Note: Argumentative essay. Taken by: Sarah Lucas.

PYP argumentative essay

With Diana and our PYP group, we managed to write an argumentative essay to support our project,these help us make a deep inquiry in daily life situations based on gender inequality in Colombia by showing numerical data, arguments, quotes of famous Colombian organizations and other important elements that has helped us developed research and communication skills. This is due to the fact that to do this work we have to learn how to transmit ideas and find the correct information. To learn how to express ideas has helped with the construction of our web page. Reserch skills has helped us organize data of surveys and our inquiry skills.

Social Studies Humanitarianism Example

During our Unit in Social Studies, Andrea had taught us about humanitarianism and assigned us a work that had the essential question : "What makes us human?" and with the key word human dignity. The essential question and the key word were meant so we use them for connections with humanitarianism. Based on this, we did a diagram. In the second and third hour, Andre assigned us to do a presentation that explained an example of when someones dignity is taken away and that sparked us the idea to relate it with our PYP. This is how we related gender inequality with dignity:

How women loose dignity just because of gender inequality stereotypes

Figure 3: Social st progent. Note: Gender Inequality Power Point. Taken by: Analucia Zambrano

Figure 3: Informatic poster 1. Taken by: Samuel Ahumada Conto

Figure 4: Informatic poster 2. Taken by: Sarah Lucas Duran

Fugure 5: Informatic poster 3. Taken by: Analucia Zambrano

ICT (Informática) Posters in Adobe Photoshop

During our ICT ´s class, Jose Luis ,had made us do a poster using the tool Adobe photoshop to learn about techlogical skills and developed our learning of technology tools. To make this practice, Jose Luis told us to express our PYP exhibition through a poster made in Adobe Photoshop online. This helped us dig into the inquiry of how to express ourslelves and developed comunication skills. To do these posters, we used images to fit them into other images ; for example we used the woman and man logo to place into another image of two stacks of coins.

*•.¸♡ References ♡¸.•*'

Figure 1: Essay diana word doc. Note: Argumentative essay. Taken by: Sarah Lucas.

Figure 2: Social st progent. Note: Gender Inequality Power Point. Taken by: Analucia Zambrano

Figure 3: Informatic poster 1. Taken by: Samuel Ahumada Conto

Figure 4: Informatic poster 2. Taken by: Sarah Lucas Duran

Fugure 5: Informatic poster 3. Taken by: Analucia Zambrano

Figure 6: Guion Spanish word doc. Note: Acting theater script. Taken by: Sarah Lucas Duran