Project Notes

Tyrone Mwebi (Press Secretary) - Disaster Response

· Earthquake in Boulder, Colorado right before 7pm

· Magnitude 8.7 at a depth of about 3 miles

· 27 deaths reported

· Lasted 3 minutes

· Damage is estimated at 120 million

· The earthquake was unpredictable, and information was outdated

Actions Taken

· Austin is setting up a disaster relief fund led by disaster relief officer Jayden Hunter

· Will be aided by FEMA

· Working with authorities to improve equipment used to predict earthquakes

Hi, I am Tyrone Mwebi, press secretary for Purple Orcas. As you all know, an earthquake occurred in Boulder Colorado right before 7pm today. The magnitude was 8.7 with a depth of about 3 miles. 27 deaths have been reported and damage is estimated at 120 million. We are sorry for all those affected by the earthquake and Mr. Gatewood is assisting in setting up a disaster relief fund. We want to support all those financially impacted by the earthquake and Mr. Gatewood is willing to donate $20,000 to the cause. We are also working with authorities to see how we can predict and stay proactive against these disasters. That is all. Thank you!

Lainey Pau (Campaign Manager) - Scandal Response

Hello! My name is Lainey Pau, and I am the campaign manager and representative today for the Purple Orcas.

Last night, someone hacked into my purple orcas email account, and sent out auto dialers that directed people into incorrect polling places. I am here to confirm that we have resolved this issue and it is no longer a concern to us.

Our IT-specialist team found the hacker who disrupted this account, which is great news for all of us. We also put up many preventative measures to block any future disruptions or network problems.

We are glad that this was the only thing that happened, and that we caught it so early on. It could have been much worse, but because we did catch the problem so early on, very little harm came to us and others.

We’ve sent out correction emails to everyone that received this scam. We believe this is the right thing to do because everyone has a right to vote, and we will do everything possible to preserve that right.

Thank you!

Cole McCoy (Vice President) - Debate Notes

Lion party

World hunger

I believe that getting rid of world hunger would be awesome but I don’t think that it could be done. If you could find a way to permanently stop world hunger then that would be amazing but I don't see any plan on how you would do that. The only info I saw was that you were going to use money to stop it. If you do use money, where does that money come from? The US national debt is already around 31 trillion dollars. Also taxes would increase resulting in people having less money and then the other people would go hungry.

Caracal party

Gun control

I believe that everyone should have the right to bear arms because it's in our constitution.

Gun control might stop gun deaths and suicides from guns but having stricter gun laws might decrease gun death, but it will increse other types of deaths and suicides. Also overall there aren’t very many gun deaths. In fact the flu kills more people a year than guns. Also having gun laws can prevent those who actually obey the law to not have guns to defend themselves with. And the bad guys that don’t follow the law most likely wouldn’t give up their guns and then the people who actually follow the law would be defenseless.

Rudolph party

I think that having free college would be great but I don’t see how it is possible. Free college would be great but that money has to come from somewhere. Free college would increase taxes by about 67% and then people would be forced to pay for something that wouldn’t benefit them. If taxes increase then students would have to pay those taxes and would still be paying for their college. Also it would decrease the value of a college degree because everyone would have one.

Jellyfish party

Homeless criccess: In your policy you say that no one should be forced to live in the streets. First of all no one is being forced to live in the streets, it's their choice to be there. Homlessness isn’t a housing problem, it's a working problem. The reason for this is the government pays homeless people the money from people who are actually working and therefore don’t want to get an actual job. The government doesn’t pay them enough to buy their own homes but homeless people have enough money to provide for themselves so they see no point in buying a house if the government is just going to take care of them.