Official Party Platform

Criminal Justice

We believe that crime is something to be taken seriously- but also on a case-by-case basis. Based on current statistical evidence, we believe that soft-on-crime policies are making society worse. It is very important to us that no murderer is placed back into society, and we will do anything to make that happen. On the flip side of that, no innocent person should have to serve time in prison or pay with their life for someone else's mistake. We will be constantly looking to improve this balance as we gain new information and different studies are performed.

Gun Control

Gun control policies are something very important to our society. After all, this is most certainly a matter of life and death. We think that most people have the right to guns- but certainly not everyone. Anyone who wants to legally own a gun must take "guns ed" and pass an exam that tests both mental stability, physical capabilities, and important gun knowledge. Anyone who illegally uses a gun will face some not-so-great punishments, because we really want to stress the importance of gun safety.


Education is important because it will affect government and generations to come. We are hoping for a full education reform, mostly because our school systems our outdated and need to be made non-industrialized. Parental involvement in schools is very necessary, especially around the topic of sexually explicit books and other materials. CRT should not be taught in K-12 schools, rather parents should explain to their kids individually if they wish to.

Foreign Aid

Foreign aid improves the lives of others around the world. It gives other countries money, food, and any other needed resources, but first things first comes the United States. If we have allies with a country in need or feel like it will better America by helping them, we will support them with conditions. Right now we are indirectly at war with Russia. By funding Ukraine with about $54.43 billion, we are supporting a government that is not that good itself, while putting America in more debt. All foreign aid is a fine balance of support, but we will choose our battles carefully.

Debt Reduction and Financial Balance

Not many people realize that America is in major debt, at over $31 trillion! This count is constantly rising. If you want to see our debt in action, check out the US National Debt Clock! This is why we will be putting 20% of all government income to lowering our debt. There are so many problems that come with debt. Andrew Jackson once said that "When you get in debt you become a slave". Our country right now is actually enslaved to China- and we will never be free until we pay back what we owe. This is why we are changing policies on public health, foreign aid, and more.

Public Health

Right now, healthcare is the number one cause of debt in America. Ideally, public healthcare for all is a great idea, but the reality is that there is not enough money or resources for everyone to have good healthcare. Our party is going to try to balance public and private healthcare by providing basic public healthcare for all and the rest will be an individual responsibility to fit your safety and wellbeing. One problem with our current healthcare system we wish to resolve is litigation. Many tax dollars are being given to lawyers who are fighting crazy medical cases. Our solution to this would be that any person that loses a litigation will have to pay the legal fees for the other party(s) as compensation for inconveniences. In turn this will lower healthcare prices.


With our energy policy we hope to change the world for the better. Our policy is about governments giving a portion of their overall revenue to an energy source that can be researched and tested faster. This allows the government to pick the energy source they want to donate to and allows our would to become cleaner sooner. Our policy will also support new efuels being created to clean the air we breathe.

Minimum Wage

The Raise the Wage Act of 2022 solves inflation, high unemployment, and the cost of living since starting salaries are too low in some sectors of the economy. The goal of the act is to raise the federal minimum wage in the US to $15 per hour. The federal minimum wage sets the lowest amount of money that employers can pay their employees per hour. It is important that we help to boost the workforce and make working conditions and pay better for employees.

Foreign Trade

Foreign Trade allows resources to be sold by companies in different countries. It is very useful to the US and if we didn’t have foreign trade in the US then we would not have a lot of the materials we have today. Foreign aid also helps the US to create better markets. For these reasons we support foreign trade and we believe that the US would not be the same without it. On the other hand, we will try to ease the US into a new state that will allow independence without having to fully rely on other countries

Human Life

Our views on human life are so that we believe that all lives matter, no matter race, age, gender, or mental state, so long as it isn't impacting others. This means we realize that abortion is totally wrong. It is currently legal to violently murder your baby in several states, and we believe that is wrong and will change that.

Border Enforcement - Accepted Partnership

We decided to accept this partnership with good reason, we don’t want human traffickers, drug dealers, and other horrible people disrupting our society! Our support will go toward better security with this, letting in the good people and keeping out the murderers.

National Education Association - Rejected Partnership

Why did we decline this? We decided to decline this partnership because they do not align with our values. They wanted to reinstate corporal punishment- meaning physically harm students for poor grades or small acts of disbehaviour. They also wanted to mandate a one year labor program between 11-12th grade. This means everyone without exception would have to serve physical labor! We want people to be able to have a choice. We also think that physical punishment is no way to treat people- especially students.