Bachelor of science in
office administration


Program Description

The Bachelor of Science in Office Administration is a four-year degree program. The program is design to equip its graduates the professional skills and competencies needed to meet the needs of the workplaces, whether in general business of legal offices and courts.

Objectives of the Program

The Bachelor of Science in Office Administration aims to provide training and practice that will enable students to:

  • Equip its graduate with knowledge, skills and competencies, values and attitudes that prepare them for the demands of a constantly evolving global market in Office and Medical Administration and Courts.

  • Provide the students with an environment conducive to critical thinking through research, extension, and production.

  • Inculcate in the student's consciousness a positive self-concept, values and attitudes that will make them cope with the demands of work.

  • Instill in the student desire to excel and to lead in the community and in the field of Office Administration.

  • Promote a deep sense of nationalism and pride in the students own culture and national identity

Areas Under Survey