
Area Description

The library is the heart of any learning institution. It is a synergy of people, hardware and software whose purpose is to assist clients in using knowledge and technology to transform and improve their lives.

Information and knowledge are essential to the attainment of institutional goals. The ways in which they are selected, acquired, stored, accessed and distributed within the institution will, in large measure, determine the success of teaching, research and other academic endeavors. The Institutions thrives on clear policies concerning access to, and provision of, information. Thus, the library must take an active role in the development and implementation of these policies.

Each institution has a unique vision, mission, goals and objectives. These are influence by its philosophy, geographical location and social responsibility. Similarly, as a subsystem of the institution, the library has a unique role to perform.

Program Performance Profile

PPP - BS-HRM.pdf

Self Survey

SS HR.pdf

Parameter A


Parameter B

Administrative Staff

Parameter C

Collection Development, Organization, and Preservation

Parameter D

Services and Utilization

Parameter E

Physical Set-up and Facilities

Parameter F

Financial Support

Parameter G
