Transportation information and maps for Ometepe and Nicaragua

The following approximate prices are for your planning purposes and can vary by season or location. Take careful note that tourist services are often quoted in dollars ($) and local services are usually quoted in cordobas (C$). 

Ometepe rentals per day (24-hour prices can be higher):

Public bus prices (all buses go through Altagracia):

Taxi prices (approximate)

Notes about transport: Taxis are more expensive on Ometepe than on the mainland. Motorcycles and scooters are popular and economical ways of seeing the island. ATVs can get you to certain places that are otherwise inaccessible (like the upper trailhead of Cascada San Ramon), but are significantly more expensive. Public buses are economical but are not always 100% reliable, as hours can change without warning. Some unscrupulous people in San Jorge or Moyogalpa may tell you that buses are not running, and will try to have you pay to reserve transportation ahead of time, but this is a scam. If an unknown person approaches you with a "deal," never pay them ahead of time, even if they appear to be wearing an official uniform. When you exit the ferry in Moyogalpa, you will pass a gauntlet of people offering you scooters, taxis, hotels, and tours, and you can pay when you receive your service (when you actually get on the bus or taxi or receive your scooter, etc.). 

Bus and ferry schedules are posted below. Be aware that schedules change frequently and especially buses are not always punctual or reliable. It is best to check with a local if they know any recent changes or cancellations. If you choose to use public transportation, you can travel very economically in Nicaragua, but always be prepared to take it easy and enjoy the wait.  We are aware of some conflicts in our schedules below--there is no central schedule for us to confirm, so we have to check each bus individually for changes, so it is never perfect--thanks for your patience! You can also check for their ferry schedules.