
'Pulford & Poulton Through the Ages’ presents a fascinating history of our local area, embracing: 

A collection of writings by members of Pulford & Poulton Local History Group, supported by a Foreword by the late Duke of Westminster, this colourful and well illustrated book is available from the Pulford & Poulton Local History Group at the reduced prices in Sterling of £15.00 for the hardback and £12.00 for the softback, plus postage & packing of £4.00 within the UK. 

It is a “must read” for those with family connections with Pulford and Poulton and those with a general interest in the life of a typical rural community in Cheshire. We have had two production runs of this book and now only a few copies remain available for public purchase.

The group has also produced 'The History of the Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin'.  This booklet is available for £2.00.

The Pulford Church Tour Guide App with information from the booklet is available on both Google Play and App Store.