Schoology and Flipgrid


In band class last week, we explored the Band Schoology course and joined the Band Flipgrid group. Students are expected to complete their “pass-offs” by the deadline listed on the chart they have been given in class. This is also posted in materials in Schoology if they need another copy. Each week I will remind the students what is due that week. We try to get through each student in class, but with preparing more concert music, soon students will be responsible for recording 1 or both pass offs at home for Band Rocks.

EVERY student must submit the corresponding assignment on Schoology by each posted deadline. If they complete both pass offs in class they only need to log in and submit the assignment by saying they completed it in class (this is done under the “Create” tab, rather than “upload”). If they film one or both videos in Flipgrid, they must return to Schoology and tell me there are videos in Flipgrid for their pass off. All students must submit the assignment which then allows me to give them a grade and feedback on their assignment. If you have a Schoology parent account you will be able to access this information as well.


Flipgrid is an online platform approved for education that the students will use to record themselves playing any pass offs that were not completed in class prior to the deadline. Many of the students are familiar with flipgrid and have used it in the past.

The requirements for each pass off and specific directions are also listed in flipgrid under each corresponding topic/gemstone.

Student responses are not able to be viewed by other students. Each topic is moderated so I have to approve a response for it to be shared. I will not share the videos with other students, I will watch them in flipgrid to grade and report their grades in Schoology.