Registration Questions

1) I want to run on the same team as my friend. How do we register so that we're on the same team? Or, I have a team of four runners already. Why can't we be on the same team, buddy?

Unfortunately, we are unable to guaratnee that you and your friend will end up on the same team, or alternatively, that all four of yuour runners will end up on the same team. We created this race to encourage runners to look beyond the comfort zone of their normal running partners and to meet new friends. Team rosters will be assembed baded upon 10K time (with each teammate having a different expected time). We will have an algorithm that sorts the team, and it may produce a team with your friends on it. However, even if you and your friends don't end up on the same team, you'll have plenty of time to hang out with your pals while waiting to run the loop. If you and your friend are on different teams but want to run the loop together, running Loop 1 will give you the best shot of running together--most runners start Loop 1 within 1-2 minutes of each other.

2) I registered for the race, but I can no longer run. What do I need to do?

Bummer. As soon as you learn that you're not able to participate, please email the race director at Quickly. Like, right now! You will receive an email confirming your cancellation. If you drop out after the teams are created, it becomes increasingly difficult to replace you on a team (after all, you are irreplaceable), and it can create lopsided teams.

3) My estimated 10K time has changed from when I registered. What should I do?

You get injured, and your training sufferes; you haven't slept the entire race week, and you're literally the walking dead; you've started a Lance Armstrong-style doping program, and you're now breaking world records. We get it--life happens and your run times are bound to change. There is no need to update your 10K time when it changes +/- 3 minutes. However, if you think your time has changed by more than 3 minutes, shoot an email to the race director at with your name and new 10K time. Pleas send the email before team assignments are released. After the teams are created, you are unable to change your expected time.

Race Questions

1) What loop will I be running in the race?

You won't know which loop you will run until the teams are released the week before the race. You and your teammates decide who will run each loop. In the meantime, you can study the routes and run them for practice. Or, you can just practice one loop and bribe your teammates to let you run that loop. Either way, you don't need to let us know your loop assignments until race morning.

2) Can I go home after I've finished running my loop? Or, I'm not running until Loop 4. I plan on sleeping in. What time do I need to get to the race site?

Every runner must be present at the start of the race to run the Prologue and at the end of the race to run the Finale. If you have completed your loop and have time before your team runs the Finale, feel free to run your errands, if you'd like. However, if you are not present when you or your team needs to run, your team will have to wait for you to arrive. Don't be that person. Your team time does not stop until all four runners have crossed the finish line. Keep in mind that it may be difficut to park near the race site once the race begins, and you may be delayed in returning to the race.

Most runners bring a change of clothes with them and hang around the race site when they aren't running. There is a restroom near the race to wash up in the sink. We'll have lots of foods, drinks, activities, and music to keep you occupied during the race.

3) I have to leave at 9:00 AM for my child's competitive finger painting tournament. Can I still run the race?

As mentioned in the question above, every runner must be present at the start of the race, at the end of the race, and during their assigned loop. Unless your team is comprised of a bunch of Olympians, your team will not finish by 9:00 AM. If you cannot remain at the race until 12:00 PM, you probably should wait for another year to participate in the relay. Sorry!

4) Do we have to run our loops in order?

For the safety of all runners, your team must run the loops in order. We need to keep track of every runner on the course, and running the loops in order is the only way we can ensure that we haven't left a runner on the course. Running the loops in order is also crucial to provide accurate results. We will also be able to provide your team with real-time information about your expected return time and relative place. Every runner you pass on the course is one step closer to winning the Peachtree City Marathon Relay Trophy!

5) Which loop is easiest/hardest?

Coming soon...

6) I want to run with my phone/dog/pet t. Rex. Is that cool?

The race course is not a closed course (meaning there will be other runners, golf carts, cars, and bikes along the course), and all loops require runners to cross streets with cars. If you run with your phone or other musical device, and you do so AT YOUR OWN RISK. Make sure to be mindful of your surroundings and avoid interfering with other people using the cart paths. If you want to run with your dog or pet T. Rex, feel free to do so as long as your pet is able to complete the distance in the June heat and as long as your pet remains under your control. Peachtree City has a leash ordinance that requires all pets be leased while off their owner's property. We will have water at the race site, but bring your own bowl, food, and treats for your pet. If you bring your pet T. Rex, you must provide your own goat for feedings; we cannot guarantee enough children to satisfy the hunger of a pet dinosaur. We reserve the right to remove any pets causing a nuisance to the other participants or interfering with the race.

7) It's hot in June. Will there be water and shade on the course?

We will have cold water at the race site, nad there may be water fountains along the race course. However, each runner is responsible for bringing adequate hydration for their loop. Drink plenty of water before and after your loop. While each loops is run on the tree-lined cart paths of Peachtree City, you will have moments when the race course is not shaded. You should prepare by wearing light, moisture-wicking clothing and a hat or visor to shade your face. If the heat starts to get to you, slow dow and start walking. If you start feeling light-headed or woozy, call 911 to immediately dispatch an EMS to your location. There are yellow markers place on the cart paths which indicate your location on the path; use the numbers on the yellow markers to direct emergency workers to your location. If you're not having an emergency but you're tired of running, you can call the race director to dispatch a golf cart to pick you up. We'll try to get to you as soon as possible.

8) How is the race timed? Can I use my time as a Peachtree qualifier?

We have a top-notch timing crew that will record your time based upon your race bib. While the timing method might be archaic, it provides surprisingly accurate results. If our time differs considerably from your watch time, speak to the race director to resolve any timing inconsistencies. Unfortunately, the courses are not certified and cannot be used as an official time for any race. Hey, what do you want for a free race, right?

General Questions

1) I'm new to running and nervous about running on a team. Is my team going to hate me and make fun of me?

Don't worry about your inexperience! The race is deisgned to pair inexperienced runners with experienced runners. Each team will have runners of all different speeds and experience, so don't worry about hurting your team. Most inexperienced runners enjoy the race and gain lots of valuable insight from other runners. If anyone is mean to you, let us know and we'll tell their parents. The race is all about having a great time.

2) I'm terrible at directions. Do you hae a helicopter waiting to search for me when I inevitably get lost?

Each runner is responsible for knowing their assigned routes. We will have lots of different ways to learn about your routes, including downloading the route onto your phone or GPS device. The routes will be marked with spray chalk chevrons, as well. We recommend every runner carry a cell phone with them to call the race director in the event they get lost, and we will either provide directions or send a golf cart to pick you up. There are no course marshals or SAG wagons on the course, so make sure you know where you're going!

3) It's race morning, and I've come down with a mild case of Ebola and can't run. What should I do?

If your Ebola is acting up, I recommend you take yourself to the CDC for treatment. For all other diseases (infectious or otherwise), email the race director and your teammates as soon as possible so we can start looking for a replacement runner. Replacing a runner after the teams are set is difficult, but we'd rather suffer an inconvenience than getting a bunch of people sick. We're not Chipotle, after all.

4) I've got to watch my kids on race morning. Can I bring them to the race and who will watch my kids?

You are more than welcome to bring your kids to the race site. We often have activities for the kids to enjoy during the race. However, you are responsible for watching your kids at all times, including when you are running your loop. We do not provide childcare at the race, nor would you want us watching your kids—we're lousy at that stuff. After all, we think children are suitable snacks for a T. Rex (see the question above).

5) My agent/publicist/sponsor is coming to watch me in the race. Where is the VIP hospitality tent? I will need 20 passes.

We're excited that you chose to run such a premier race, but unfortunately, we're lacking on courtesies and luxuries your VIPs would come to expect. We'd be happy to offer them some free water and oranges and a nice piece of ground to sit. However, we do not permit any nonapproved sponsors to advertise, vend goods, or promote their services at the race.

6) The obligatory COVID question: what's the plan?

I know, I know, no one wants to read more about COVID, and we don't want to write about it, but it's important. We will continue to monitor the community spread rates as the race approaches, and we may change our policies to best protect our runners. We will communicate any changes in our COVID policies via email and social media. For now, the race will take place entirely outdoors, and masks are not required. We will provide hand sanitizer around the race site, and you're welcome to wear a mask. Social distancing is encouraged, not just to prevent the spread of the disease but because you're probably stinky after running your loop. Don't worry--we still think you're awesome.

7) This event is cool, and I want to do more races like this. What should I do?

The Peachtree City Running Club, Tri-PTC, and RunHNL sponsored the race to keep it free for all participants. This race is just one of many exciting events each club sponsors, and take the time to talk with club memebers about the benefits of joining these clubs--join them all! Check out the club's websites to learn more about what they're up to.