How to Close an Online Form in 10 steps

  1. Click on the Tic - Tac- Toe

When you log into your Gmail account.

Click on the tic-tac-toe box to the left of the circle. This lets you see all the free Google software.

2. Select your Google Drive

This will let you access your form, website, and submission entries.

3. Select your Google form

It is the purple checklist icon.

if you don't see it - look in Shared with Me. If it is here, we need to change ownership of the form to you.

4. Click on the Responses Section.

5. Close your application.

Slide the toggle button over.

6. Export to Google Sheets.

Click on the Green "Google Sheets" icon and all your data entry will be magically done.

7.Add a column to the left of timestamp - Add #s for entries.

8. Make a copy of the form - Labelled: Judge - School Name - Reflections 2021.

9. Modify the judges copy.

Remove all identifiable info: Student and parent name, home and email addresses.

Add columns for judging with categories.

Share it with judges.

1) Select the Judging file and click on the person + icon. Add the email address to the share the judging file.

2) Repeat with the File Responses folder. Click on the person+ icon to share the folders.

  • All folders

  • Specific folders

3) If sending an email: Click on the paperclip icon and select share with anyone with a link. Copy/Paste link into email to judges.